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Tervetuloa Wikimatkojen Kestikievariin! Täältä saat vastaukset sinua askarruttaviin teknisiin ongelmiin, käytäntöihin ja muihin yleisiin kysymyksiin.
Jos haluat...
- ...keskustella tietystä artikkelista, kuvasta tai luokasta: käytä artikkelien keskustelusivua
- ...apua Wikimatkojen käytössä: katso ensin ohjesivu
- ...kysyä matkakohteesta, kysy se matkatoimistossa
- en: Requests for the bot flag should be made on this page. This wiki uses the standard bot policy, and allows global bots and automatic approval of certain types of bots. Other bots should apply below, and then request access from a steward if there is no objection.
[muokkaa]@Zache: mitä tässä mallineessa näkyvät -moz-box-shadow, -webkit-box-shadow ja box-shadow on? (Malline on kopsattu Puolan Wikimatkoista: pl:Szablon:Box-shadow.) --Kulmalukko (keskustelu) 14. tammikuuta 2018 kello 18.51 (EET)
- CSS-tyylejä. box-shadow on yleinen tyylisääntö ja nuon kaksi muuta ovat sääntöjä jotka toimivat vain tietyissä selaimissa. moz-box-shadow on Firefox ja webkit-box-shadow on Google Chrome/Safari (webkit on selainmoottori) --Zache (keskustelu) 14. tammikuuta 2018 kello 19.09 (EET)
- Ok, miksköhän ne ei toimi etusivulla: ? Jos koodissa on {{Box-shadow ... }}, niin sivulle tulostuu tyylimääritteitä tekstinä. Puolan Wikimatkojen etusivulla ei samaa ongelmaa oo. --Kulmalukko (keskustelu) 14. tammikuuta 2018 kello 20.25 (EET)
- Malline tulosti varmaan rivinvaihtoja siihen style-määrittelyyn ja wikitekstiparseri katkaisi style:n rivinvaihdosta. Puhdas arvaus tämä. Joka tapauksessa asia ratkesi kun vaihdoin includeonlyt onlyinclude-määreiksi. (diffi) Noiden ero on se, että includeonly tulostaa tagin sisällä olevan tekstin pelkästään mallinetta kutsuvalle sivulle (eikä mallinesivulle). Onlyinclude-tagi puolestaan määrittää, että ainoastaan tagin sisällä oleva teksti tulostetaan mallinetta kutsuvalle sivulle. --Zache (keskustelu) 15. tammikuuta 2018 kello 08.52 (EET)
- Kiitos, nyt näyttää toimivan. --Kulmalukko (keskustelu) 15. tammikuuta 2018 kello 15.43 (EET)
Wikimatkojen matkatoimisto?
[muokkaa]Onko täällä suomenkielisissä Wikimatkoissa jonkinlaista matkatoimisto-sivua, jossa voisi esittää kysymyksiä varsinaisesta matkustamisesta, ei siis Wikimatkat-sivustosta itsestään, niin kuin englanninkielisessä Wikivoyagessa on en:Wikivoyage:Tourist office? JIP (keskustelu) 22. helmikuuta 2018 kello 01.25 (EET)
Enabling a helpful feature for Template editors
[muokkaa]Read this in another language • Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
The team working on TemplateStyles at the Wikimedia Foundation would like to enable TemplateStyles on this wiki.
TemplateStyles is a feature to allow non-administrators to write and manage CSS styles for templates. It allows contributors who edit templates to separate content and presentation. A good web practice that makes it easier to manage the layout of templates. If you don't edit templates, this will not have any impact on your contributions.
TemplateStyles is useful for a few reasons.
- It makes it possible for templates to work better on mobile.
- It cuts out confusion on where to apply CSS rules.
- Editing CSS is currently limited to administrators, which is a major barrier to participation.
- All stylesheets must be loaded on all pages (whether they actually use the page or not), which wastes bandwidth and makes debugging style rules more difficult.
You can learn more about TemplateStyles on Technical documentation is also available.
This is an optional feature and no one must use it, but template contributors are encouraged to do so! Please discuss and let us know if there are any concerns. If there are no concerns we will proceed to deploy the feature on the 28th of March.
Thank you.
– CKoerner (WMF) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (keskustelu) 21. maaliskuuta 2018 kello 18.36 (EET)
Uudet suodattimet muutosten tarkasteluun siirtyy pois beetavaiheesta
[muokkaa]Wikimedian Collaboration-tiimi aikoo tuoda Uudet suodattimet muutosten tarkasteluun -ominaisuuden tarkkailulistalle oletuksena tässä wikissä 25. kesäkuuta alkavalla viikolla sen poistuessa beetavaiheesta. Käyttäjät, jotka haluavat pitää vanhanmallisen tarkkailulistan, voivat vaihtaa siihen uuden asetuksen avulla.
Uudet suodattimet tuovat helpomman ja tehokkaamman käyttöliittymän tarkkailulistalle, sekä uusia suodattimia ja muita työkaluja, joiden avulla muutosten tarkastelu on tehokkaampaa. Näihin sisältyy live-päivitykset, käyttäjien määrittämät korostukset, mahdollisuus luoda suodatinjoukkoja ja tallentaa niitä myöhempää käyttöä varten sekä koneoppimista hyödyntävät prediktiiviset suodattimet (wikeissä joissa on ORES käytössä). Jos et vielä tunne näitä uusia suodattimia, voit kokeilla niitä tarkkailulistallasi aktivoimalla Uudet suodattimet muutosten tarkasteluun -toiminnon. Ohjesivulla on ohjeita työkalujen käyttöön.
Yli 70 000 käyttäjää on aktivoinut tämän beetatoiminnon, joka on ollut kokeilukäytössä tarkkailulistalla yli kahdeksan kuukauden ajan. Toiminnon pitäisi olla vakaa ja tehokas, mutta jos sinulla on ajatuksia koskien näitä työkaluja tai beetavaiheesta poistumista, kerro siitä projektin keskustelusivulla tai tässä. Stryn (keskustelu) 5. kesäkuuta 2018 kello 19.08 (EEST)
Update on page issues on mobile web
[muokkaa]Update on page issues on mobile web
Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi Hi everyone. The Readers web team has recently begun working on exposing issue templates on the mobile website. Currently, details about issues with page content are generally hidden on the mobile website. This leaves readers unaware of the reliability of the pages they are reading. The goal of this project is to improve awareness of particular issues within an article on the mobile web. We will do this by changing the visual styling of page issues.
So far, we have drafted a proposal on the design and implementation of the project. We were also able to run user testing on the proposed designs. The tests so far have positive results. Here is a quick summary of what we learned:
- The new treatment increases awareness of page issues among participants. This is true particularly when they are in a more evaluative/critical mode.
- Page issues make sense to readers and they understand how they work
- Readers care about page issues and consider them important
- Readers had overwhelmingly positive sentiments towards Wikipedia associated with learning about page issues
Our next step would be to start implementing these changes. We wanted to reach out to you for any concerns, thoughts, and suggestions you might have before beginning development. Please visit the project page where we have more information and mockups of how this may look. Please leave feedback on the talk page.
[muokkaa]The Wikimedia Foundation's Community Tech team is planning on removing the RelatedSites extension from this wiki. RelatedSites was developed for Wikivoyage/Wikitravel many years ago as a way to link to other wikis, seen in the sidebar as "Related Sites." This extension repeats the work of Wikidata's "In other projects" that you also see in the sidebar. Since RelatedSites is only used by Wikivoyage and is no longer supported, it is necessary to remove RelatedSites.
There are less than five hundred pages on this wiki using RelatedSites links. Removing the RelatedSites links can be done by manually or by script by the community, or the Community Tech team can remove the links. Which does the community prefer? The links need to be removed within the next three weeks before the extension is removed. Keegan (WMF) (keskustelu) 4. syyskuuta 2018 kello 22.28 (EEST)
Wikimedia Suomen strategialuonnos kommentoitavana
[muokkaa]Hei! Wikimedia Suomen strategiatyö on edennyt vaiheeseen, jossa luonnos on tallennettu yhdistyksen wikiin kommentointia varten. Kommentteja ja kysymyksiä voi esittää 8.12. asti luonnoksen keskustelusivulla. Otamme kommentit huomioon strategian viimeisessä versiossa, joka esitetään vahvistettavaksi syyskokouksessa 15.12..--Olimar (keskustelu) 22. marraskuuta 2018 kello 12.35 (EET)
Bot policy
[muokkaa]Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.
This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in two weeks if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. Rschen7754 30. maaliskuuta 2019 kello 21.51 (EET)
Read-only mode for up to 30 minutes on 11 April
[muokkaa]8. huhtikuuta 2019 kello 13.56 (EEST)
Wikimedia Foundation Medium-Term Plan feedback request
[muokkaa]Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Re-thinking where to put the focus on - the collaborative creation of the "List of articles every Wikivoyage should have" on Meta
[muokkaa]One of the issues with any wiki site is that unless the editor community agrees upon where it is mostly important to put most efforts, usually everyone just improves random articles without knowing what to prioritize... this becomes a bigger issue with the smaller communities where if there are only two or three active editors... they would usually create mostly random stubs that aren’t of much interest to their readers, just because most people wouldn’t know on the top of the head what travel destinations are of most interest to people.
In order to tackle this issue, some wiki sites develop a vital/core article list based on the consensus in that community, which could be used both as a way to focus most efforts where they are most needed (for example, by encouarging the editors to make as many Guide articles and Star articles from all the articles on the core articles list) but also as a way to encourage the other parallel editions of that wiki to create the articles deemed to be the most vital articles as well.
I especially like Wikipedia’s vital articles list... but also Meta’s List of articles every Wikipedia should have.
I think that the existence of such a list, that might even be of use here at the Finish Wikivoyage, would be especially important as it would inspire all the smaller editions of Wikivoyage to make sure that the articles which are of the most interest to their readers are the ones in which most efforts are directed towards + that a priority would be given to improving the quality of the most prominent and sought after articles.
As such I decided to plunge forward and create a draft for this list at Meta. It currently includes exactly 1,000 articles. The list isn't finished! Please help us improve the list by going over it, making note of the articles you think are missing from it, and suggesting them at the discussion page of that page at meta. ויקיג'אנקי (keskustelu) 15. kesäkuuta 2019 kello 16.31 (EEST)
Linkki Lähistöllä-toimintoon etusivulle?
[muokkaa]Huomasin juuri, että Wikimatkoissa on käytössä toimintosivu Lähistöllä, joka näyttää lähellä käyttäjää olevia kohteita. Olisiko järkevää lisätä linkki tähän toimintaan Wikimatkojen etusivulle? Etusivun Maailman-osiossa olevien maanosien luettelon alla olisi yksi mahdollinen paikka. --Smaug the Golden (keskustelu - muokkaukset - muokkaukset testiwikiin Incubatorissa) 19. kesäkuuta 2019 kello 12.37 (EEST) @Kulmalukko, Zunter: EDIT: Pingattu entinen ylläpitäjä ja vastikään muokannut käyttäjä. --Smaug the Golden (keskustelu - muokkaukset - lokit Incubatorissa mm. testiwikiin) 19. kesäkuuta 2019 kello 13.56 (EEST)
- Mulla ei Chromessa toimi ollenkaan paikannussivu, vaikka hyväksyin paikantamisen. Stryn (keskustelu) 19. kesäkuuta 2019 kello 14.37 (EEST)
- En ilmeisesti tarkastanut paikannussivun toimivuutta, kun ei itsellänikään toimi Firefoxilla kaikkien lisäosien kanssa. Chromiumilla toimii, mutta GPS heittää minut johonkin São Tomé ja Príncipen länsipuolelle mereen eikä sieltä ymmärrettävistä syistä löydy lähistöllä olevia paikkoja. Ehkä haudataan tämä idea. --Smaug the Golden (keskustelu - muokkaukset - lokit Incubatorissa mm. testiwikiin) 19. kesäkuuta 2019 kello 16.33 (EEST)
Kulmalukon ylläpitäjyys on päättynyt -> projektissa ei ole ylläpitäjiä
[muokkaa]Ajattelin kirjoittaa ylläolevaan viestiketjuun tekstiksi, että pingattu projektin ainoa ylläpitäjä Kulmalukko. Katsoin kuitenkin tarkemmin ja huomasin, että Kulmalukko ei olekaan enää ylläpitäjä. Tässä projektissa ei siis ole tällä hetkellä yhtään ylläpitäjää käyttäjää Väärinkäyttösuodatin lukuun ottamatta, mutta se ei ole oikea ihmiskäyttäjä. @Kulmalukko, Stryn, Zache, Pxos: Onko tämä mielessänne asia, jonka kanssa voi hyvin elää? Viimeisen vuoden sisään ylläpitäjätoimintoja on tehnyt (toiminnot) kaksi käyttäjää, suomenkielinen ylivalvoja Stryn ja lontoota puhuva järjestelmälaajuinen ylläpitäjä Käyttäjä:PiRSquared17. Riittääkö se? Olisitko Kulmalukko valmis jatkamaan ylläpitäjänä? Viimeisin lokitoimintosi on viime vuoden tammikuulla (yp-oikeudet lähtivät maaliskuussa) ja viimeisin muokkaus viime vuoden marraskuulta. Kovin aktiivinen et ole ollut, joten en itse äkkiseltään puoltaisi yp-oikeuksien palauttamista. --Smaug the Golden (keskustelu - muokkaukset - lokit Incubatorissa mm. testiwikiin) 19. kesäkuuta 2019 kello 14.29 (EEST)
- Mielestäni kuka tahansa projektia vähänkin enemmän muokannut voisi olla ylläpitäjä. Projekti on kuitenkin pieni, eikä täällä työkaluilla kukaan varmasti tuhoa saisi tehtyä. Jos on kiinnostuneita kehittämään projektia, muokkaamaan järjestelmäsivuja jne. niin pistäkää vaan äänestystä pystyyn. En näin pienessä projektissa välttämättä katsoisi pelkästään viime ajan aktiivisuutta, vaan vähän pidemmältä jaksolta. Stryn (keskustelu) 19. kesäkuuta 2019 kello 14.36 (EEST)
- Sivun Toiminnot:Käyttäjät perusteella muokkauksia ylipäänsä tehneitä käyttäjiä on aika vähän puhumattakaan paljon muokanneista. Jos joku sattuisi näkemään poistoon joutavia sivuja tai eston vaativaa vandalismia, hän voinee Stryn laittaa viestiä sinulle? Muiden kuin tämän keskustelun nähneiden kannalta olisi huomattavasti helpompaa ja paljon parempi juttu, että olisi paikallinen ylläpitäjä, koski ilman erillistä huomautusta ja välttämättä siitäkään huolimatta satunnainen käyttäjä tai IP tuskin älyäisi ottaa yhteyttä Stryniin. --Smaug the Golden (keskustelu - muokkaukset - lokit Incubatorissa mm. testiwikiin) 2. heinäkuuta 2019 kello 04.34 (EEST)
- Stryn voisi olla hyvä. --40bus (keskustelu) 10. heinäkuuta 2019 kello 21.00 (EEST)
New tools and IP masking
[muokkaa]Hey everyone,
The Wikimedia Foundation wants to work on two things that affect how we patrol changes and handle vandalism and harassment. We want to make the tools that are used to handle bad edits better. We also want to get better privacy for unregistered users so their IP addresses are no longer shown to everyone in the world. We would not hide IP addresses until we have better tools for patrolling.
We have an idea of what tools could be working better and how a more limited access to IP addresses would change things, but we need to hear from more wikis. You can read more about the project on Meta and post comments and feedback. Now is when we need to hear from you to be able to give you better tools to handle vandalism, spam and harassment.
You can post in your language if you can't write in English.
Johan (WMF)21. elokuuta 2019 kello 17.19 (EEST)
The consultation on partial and temporary Foundation bans just started
In a recent statement, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees requested that staff hold a consultation to "re-evaluat[e] or add community input to the two new office action policy tools (temporary and partial Foundation bans)".
Accordingly, the Foundation's Trust & Safety team invites all Wikimedians to join this consultation and give their feedback from 30 September to 30 October.
How can you help?
- Suggest how partial and temporary Foundation bans should be used, if they should (eg: On all projects, or only on a subset);
- Give ideas about how partial and temporary Foundation bans should ideally implemented, if they should be; and/or
- Propose changes to the existing Office Actions policy on partial and temporary bans.
We offer our thanks in advance for your contributions, and we hope to get as much input as possible from community members during this consultation!
Feedback wanted on Desktop Improvements project
[muokkaa]Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Hei. The Readers Web team at the WMF will work on some improvements to the desktop interface over the next couple of years. The goal is to increase usability without removing any functionality. We have been inspired by changes made by volunteers, but that currently only exist as local gadgets and user scripts, prototypes, and volunteer-led skins. We would like to begin the process of bringing some of these changes into the default experience on all Wikimedia projects.
We are currently in the research stage of this project and are looking for ideas for improvements, as well as feedback on our current ideas and mockups. So far, we have performed interviews with community members at Wikimania. We have gathered lists of previous volunteer and WMF work in this area. We are examining possible technical approaches for such changes.
We would like individual feedback on the following:
- Identifying focus areas for the project we have not yet discovered
- Expanding the list of existing gadgets and user scripts that are related to providing a better desktop experience. If you can think of some of these from your wiki, please let us know
- Feedback on the ideas and mockups we have collected so far
We would also like to gather a list of wikis that would be interested in being test wikis for this project - these wikis would be the first to receive the updates once we’re ready to start building.
When giving feedback, please consider the following goals of the project:
- Make it easier for readers to focus on the content
- Provide easier access to everyday actions (e.g. search, language switching, editing)
- Put things in logical and useful places
- Increase consistency in the interface with other platforms - mobile web and the apps
- Eliminate clutter
- Plan for future growth
As well as the following constraints:
- Not touching the content - no work will be done in terms of styling templates or to the structure of page contents themselves
- Not removing any functionality - things might move around, but all navigational items and other functionality currently available by default will remain
- No drastic changes to the layout - we're taking an evolutionary approach to the changes and want the site to continue feeling familiar to readers and editors
Please give all feedback (in any language) at mw:Talk:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements
After this round of feedback, we plan on building a prototype of suggested changes based on the feedback we receive. You’ll hear from us again asking for feedback on this prototype.
Kiitos! Quiddity (WMF) (talk)
16. lokakuuta 2019 kello 10.15 (EEST)
Community Wishlist 2020
Vuoden 2020 yhteisön toivelistakysely on nyt auki! Tämä kysely on prosessi, jossa yhteisöt päättävät minkä kanssa Community Tech -tiimin pitäisi työskennellä ensi vuoden aikana. Kannustamme kaikkia jättämään ehdotuksia ennen kyselyn sulkeutumista 11. marraskuuta, tai ehdottamaan parannuksia jo tehtyihin ehdotuksiin.
Tänä vuonna keskitymme yksinomaan pienempiin hankkeisiin (eli Wikikirjasto, Wikisanakirja, Wikisitaatit, Wikiaineisto, Wikiopisto, Wikispecies, Wikimatkat ja Wikiuutiset). Haluamme auttaa näitä projekteja ja tarjota merkittäviä parannuksia eri yhteisöille. Jos olet jonkin näiden projektin jäsen, osallistu kyselyyn! Ehdotusten tekemistä varten, katso ohjeet kyselysivulta. Voit kirjoittaa ehdotuksia millä tahansa kielellä, ja käännämme ne sinulle. Kiitos, ja odotamme innolla ehdotuksiasi!
Making the Content Translation Tool available for Wikivoyage
[muokkaa]I don't know if you all have ever tried Wikipedia's Content translation Tool, but i'll just say that this is a very strong tool that has helped the Wikipedia community translate A LOT of articles between the various Wikipedia editions (mostly translations of articles from the English Wikipedia to the smaller Wikipedia editions).
So far this tool is only used in Wikipedia.
As part of the current Community Wishlist Survey, a suggestion has been brought forward to make this tool available for all Wikivoyage editions as well:
If you support making this tool available for Wikivoyage as well, please add your vote in that page. ויקיג'אנקי (keskustelu) 29. marraskuuta 2019 kello 22.31 (EET)
Wiki Loves Folklore
Hello Folks,
Wiki Loves Love is back again in 2020 iteration as Wiki Loves Folklore from 1 February, 2020 - 29 February, 2020. Join us to celebrate the local cultural heritage of your region with the theme of folklore in the international photography contest at Wikimedia Commons. Images, videos and audios representing different forms of folk cultures and new forms of heritage that haven’t otherwise been documented so far are welcome submissions in Wiki Loves Folklore. Learn more about the contest at Meta-Wiki and Commons.
Kind regards,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
— Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
sent using MediaWiki message delivery (keskustelu) 18. tammikuuta 2020 kello 08.14 (EET)
Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project
The Wikimedia Foundation’s Community Development team is seeking to learn more about the way volunteers learn and develop into the many different roles that exist in the movement. Our goal is to build a movement informed framework that provides shared clarity and outlines accessible pathways on how to grow and develop skills within the movement. To this end, we are looking to speak with you, our community to learn about your journey as a Wikimedia volunteer. Whether you joined yesterday or have been here from the very start, we want to hear about the many ways volunteers join and contribute to our movement.
To learn more about the project, please visit the Meta page. If you are interested in participating in the project, please complete this simple Google form. Although we may not be able to speak to everyone who expresses interest, we encourage you to complete this short form if you are interested in participating!
-- LMiranda (WMF) (talk) 22. tammikuuta 2020 kello 21.01 (EET)
Come have a friendly chat with other Wikivoyagers at the Wikivoyage Discord server I opened
[muokkaa]Please join us at the unofficial Discord server Wikivoyage Hub and have a friendly non formal chat with many other Wikivoyagers. Although you would be able to access this server immediately without installing any software/app, simply by clicking this link, I warmly recommend first installing the Discord software and registering your username to get a much better experience with Discord.
I am currently inviting Wikivoyagers from all other Wikivoyage editions to join this server as well. I hope to see you all there! ויקיג'אנקי (keskustelu) 16. huhtikuuta 2020 kello 00.12 (EEST)
Feedback on movement names
[muokkaa]Hei. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi if necessary. Kiitos!
There are a lot of conversations happening about the future of our movement names. We hope that you are part of these discussions and that your community is represented.
Since 16 June, the Foundation Brand Team has been running a survey in 7 languages about 3 naming options. There are also community members sharing concerns about renaming in a Community Open Letter.
Our goal in this call for feedback is to hear from across the community, so we encourage you to participate in the survey, the open letter, or both. The survey will go through 7 July in all timezones. Input from the survey and discussions will be analyzed and published on Meta-Wiki.
Thanks for thinking about the future of the movement, --The Brand Project team, 2. heinäkuuta 2020 kello 23.33 (EEST)
Note: The survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.
Announcing a new wiki project! Welcome, Abstract Wikipedia
[muokkaa]Hi all,
It is my honor to introduce Abstract Wikipedia, a new project that has been unanimously approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Abstract Wikipedia proposes a new way to generate baseline encyclopedic content in a multilingual fashion, allowing more contributors and more readers to share more knowledge in more languages. It is an approach that aims to make cross-lingual cooperation easier on our projects, increase the sustainability of our movement through expanding access to participation, improve the user experience for readers of all languages, and innovate in free knowledge by connecting some of the strengths of our movement to create something new.
This is our first new project in over seven years. Abstract Wikipedia was submitted as a project proposal by Denny Vrandečić in May 2020 [1] after years of preparation and research, leading to a detailed plan and lively discussions in the Wikimedia communities. We know that the energy and the creativity of the community often runs up against language barriers, and information that is available in one language may not make it to other language Wikipedias. Abstract Wikipedia intends to look and feel like a Wikipedia, but build on the powerful, language-independent conceptual models of Wikidata, with the goal of letting volunteers create and maintain Wikipedia articles across our polyglot Wikimedia world.
The project will allow volunteers to assemble the fundamentals of an article using words and entities from Wikidata. Because Wikidata uses conceptual models that are meant to be universal across languages, it should be possible to use and extend these building blocks of knowledge to create models for articles that also have universal value. Using code, volunteers will be able to translate these abstract “articles” into their own languages. If successful, this could eventually allow everyone to read about any topic in Wikidata in their own language.
As you can imagine, this work will require a lot of software development, and a lot of cooperation among Wikimedians. In order to make this effort possible, Denny will join the Foundation as a staff member in July and lead this initiative. You may know Denny as the creator of Wikidata, a long-time community member, a former staff member at Wikimedia Deutschland, and a former Trustee at the Wikimedia Foundation [2]. We are very excited that Denny will bring his skills and expertise to work on this project alongside the Foundation’s product, technology, and community liaison teams.
It is important to acknowledge that this is an experimental project, and that every Wikipedia community has different needs. This project may offer some communities great advantages. Other communities may engage less. Every language Wikipedia community will be free to choose and moderate whether or how they would use content from this project.
We are excited that this new wiki-project has the possibility to advance knowledge equity through increased access to knowledge. It also invites us to consider and engage with critical questions about how and by whom knowledge is constructed. We look forward to working in cooperation with the communities to think through these important questions.
There is much to do as we begin designing a plan for Abstract Wikipedia in close collaboration with our communities. I encourage you to get involved by going to the project page and joining the new mailing list [3]. We recognize that Abstract Wikipedia is ambitious, but we also recognize its potential. We invite you all to join us on a new, unexplored path.
Katherine Maher (Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation)
Sent by m:User:Elitre (WMF) 9. heinäkuuta 2020 kello 23.13 (EEST) - m:Special:MyLanguage/Abstract Wikipedia/July 2020 announcement
Swazimaan uusi nimi
[muokkaa]Nyt tänne on joku Käyttäjä:Bestoernesto tullut ja päivittänyt Swazimaan nimeksi Eswatini, esim. . Wikipediassa samasta asiasta käyty aikaisempi keskustelu: w:Keskustelu:Swazimaa ja w:Wikipedia:Kahvihuone_(kielenhuolto)/Arkisto_48#Swazimaa_vai_Eswatini?. Tähän voi kertoa mielipiteensä hänen muokkauksistaan. Stryn (keskustelu) 20. heinäkuuta 2020 kello 20.20 (EEST)
- Mielestäni olisi hyvä jatkaa Kotuksen suosituksella Swazimaa. Majavah (keskustelu) 21. heinäkuuta 2020 kello 10.11 (EEST)
- Hei, koulutetut ihmiset, joilla on varaa matkustaa Afrikkaan, ovat jo yli 2 vuoden ajan tienneet, että maata kutsutaan nyt "Eswatini". He ovat yllättyneitä, jos he edelleen löytävät täältä anakronismin "Swazimaa" ja ehkä poistuvat sivustosta heti. Mutta ehkä se on erilainen sinulle suomalaisille. Halusin vain tehdä sinulle pienen palvelun ja valmistella kaiken niin, että sinun on vain siirrettävä sivu "Eswatini".--Bestoernesto (keskustelu) 27. heinäkuuta 2020 kello 07.28 (EEST)
Important: maintenance operation on September 1st
[muokkaa]Wikimedia-säätiö testaa toissijaista datakeskustaan. Tarkoituksena on taata Wikipedian ja muiden Wikimedia-wikien toiminta jopa mahdollisen suuronnettomuuden jälkeen. Wikimedian tekniikkaosasto varmistaa järjestelmän toiminnan ennakkoon suunnitellulla testillä, jonka tarkoituksena on osoittaa luotettava siirtymä datakeskuksesta toiseen. Toimenpide vaatii monien tiimien ennakkovalmisteluja ja testinaikaista läsnäoloa, jotta kaikki odottamattomat ongelmat saadaan korjattua.
Kaikki tietoliikenne siirretään toissijaiseen datakeskukseen tiistaina 1. syyskuuta 2020.
Valitettavasti joidenkin MediaWikin rajoitusten vuoksi kaikki muokkaukset pysähtyvät vaihdon ajaksi. Pahoittelemme häiriötä, joiden vaikutuksia pyrimme jatkossa vähentämään.
Siirron aikana on lyhyt aika, jolloin voit lukea kaikkia wikejä, mutta muokkaaminen ei ole mahdollista.
- Et voi muokata korkeintaan tunnin ajan tiistaina 1. syyskuuta. Testi alkaa 14:00 UTC (kello 17 Suomen aikaa).
- Jos yrität muokata tai tallentaa näinä aikoina, saat virheilmoituksen. Toivomme, ettei muokkauksia katoa näiden minuuttien aikana, mutta emme voi taata sitä. Jos näet virheilmoituksen, odota tilanteen palautumista normaaliksi. Sen jälkeen sinun pitäisi pystyä tallentamaan muokkauksesi. Suosittelemme varmuuden vuoksi ensin tekemään kopion muokkauksistasi.
Muut vaikutukset:
- Taustatyöt voivat kestää kauemmin ja osa saattaa jäädä tekemättä. Punaiset linkit eivät välttämättä päivity yhtä nopeasti kuin normaalisti. Punaisen linkin muuttuminen siniseksi artikkelin luomisen jälkeen saattaa kestää kauemmin kuin yleensä. Joidenkin pitkien ohjelmasarjojen suorittaminen joudutaan keskeyttämään.
- Koodin jäädyttäminen tapahtuu viikolla, jolla 1 syyskuuta 2020 sijoittuu. Kiireettömät ohjelmiston julkaisut keskeytetään.
Projektia voidaan tarpeen mukaan siirtää. Voit katsoa aikataulun sivulta Kaikista aikataulua koskevista muutoksista ilmoitetaan etukäteen. Ilmoitamme vielä lisää tästä. Jaa tämä tieto yhteisösi kanssa.
Invitation to participate in the conversation
[muokkaa]Hei. Apologies for cross-posting, and that you may not be reading this message in your native language: translations of the following announcement may be available on Meta. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi. Kiitos!
We are excited to share a draft of the Universal Code of Conduct, which the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees called for earlier this year, for your review and feedback. The discussion will be open until October 6, 2020.
The UCoC Drafting Committee wants to learn which parts of the draft would present challenges for you or your work. What is missing from this draft? What do you like, and what could be improved?
Please join the conversation and share this invitation with others who may be interested to join, too.
To reduce language barriers during the process, you are welcomed to translate this message and the Universal Code of Conduct/Draft review. You and your community may choose to provide your opinions/feedback using your local languages.
To learn more about the UCoC project, see the Universal Code of Conduct page, and the FAQ, on Meta.
Thanks in advance for your attention and contributions, The Trust and Safety team at Wikimedia Foundation, 10. syyskuuta 2020 kello 20.55 (EEST)Wiki of functions naming contest
[muokkaa]Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi.
Hei. Please help pick a name for the new Wikimedia wiki project. This project will be a wiki where the community can work together on a library of functions. The community can create new functions, read about them, discuss them, and share them. Some of these functions will be used to help create language-independent Wikipedia articles that can be displayed in any language, as part of the Abstract Wikipedia project. But functions will also be usable in many other situations.
There will be two rounds of voting, each followed by legal review of candidates, with voting beginning on 29 September and 27 October. Our goal is to have a final project name selected on 8 December. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at meta-wiki. Kiitos! --Quiddity (WMF)30. syyskuuta 2020 kello 00.16 (EEST)
Call for feedback about Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws changes and Board candidate rubric
[muokkaa]Hei. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi.
Today the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees starts two calls for feedback. One is about changes to the Bylaws mainly to increase the Board size from 10 to 16 members. The other one is about a trustee candidate rubric to introduce new, more effective ways to evaluate new Board candidates. The Board welcomes your comments through 26 October. For more details, check the full announcement.
Kiitos! Qgil-WMF (talk) 7. lokakuuta 2020 kello 20.10 (EEST)
Important: maintenance operation on October 27
[muokkaa]Lue tämä toisella kielellä • Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Wikimedia-säätiö testaa ensimmäisen ja toissijaisen datakeskuksen vaihtoa. Tarkoituksena on taata Wikipedian ja muiden Wikimedia-wikien toiminta jopa mahdollisen suuronnettomuuden jälkeen. Wikimedian tekniikkaosasto varmistaa järjestelmän toiminnan ennakkoon suunnitellulla testillä, jonka tarkoituksena on osoittaa luotettava siirtymä datakeskuksesta toiseen. Toimenpide vaatii monien tiimien ennakkovalmisteluja ja testinaikaista läsnäoloa, jotta kaikki odottamattomat ongelmat saadaan korjattua.
Kaikki tietoliikenne siirretään toissijaiseen datakeskukseen tiistaina 27. lokakuuta 2020.
Valitettavasti joidenkin MediaWikin rajoitusten vuoksi kaikki muokkaukset pysähtyvät vaihdon ajaksi. Pahoittelemme häiriötä, joiden vaikutuksia pyrimme jatkossa vähentämään.
Siirron aikana on lyhyt aika, jolloin voit lukea kaikkia wikejä, mutta muokkaaminen ei ole mahdollista.
- Et voi muokata korkeintaan tunnin ajan tiistaina 27. lokakuuta. Testi alkaa 14:00 UTC (kello 16 Suomen aikaa).
- Jos yrität muokata tai tallentaa näinä aikoina, saat virheilmoituksen. Toivomme, ettei muokkauksia katoa näiden minuuttien aikana, mutta emme voi taata sitä. Jos näet virheilmoituksen, odota tilanteen palautumista normaaliksi. Sen jälkeen sinun pitäisi pystyä tallentamaan muokkauksesi. Suosittelemme varmuuden vuoksi ensin tekemään kopion muokkauksistasi.
Muut vaikutukset:
- Taustatyöt voivat kestää kauemmin ja osa saattaa jäädä tekemättä. Punaiset linkit eivät välttämättä päivity yhtä nopeasti kuin normaalisti. Punaisen linkin muuttuminen siniseksi artikkelin luomisen jälkeen saattaa kestää kauemmin kuin yleensä. Joidenkin pitkien ohjelmasarjojen suorittaminen joudutaan keskeyttämään.
- Koodin jäädyttäminen tapahtuu viikolla, jolle 26. lokakuuta 2020 sijoittuu. Kiireettömät ohjelmiston julkaisut keskeytetään.
-- Trizek (WMF) (talk) 21. lokakuuta 2020 kello 20.12 (EEST)
Aknowledge Russia. Novgorod lands
Dear colleagues! I'm happy to present you edit-a-thon competition, that is taking part from November 1 to December 15, 2020 in different language versions of Wikipedia and Wikivoyage. Both of Wiki-projects will have 2 nominations: for articles in Russian, and for articles in other languages with 3 rewardable positions in each. It's organized by Wikimedia Russia and North-West Russia Wiki-Historians UG and its topic will be regions of activity of that UG: Saint Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad Oblast, Pskov Oblast, Novgorod Oblast and Vologda Oblast.
Also I can say, that finnish language has it's own special place in our regions, so I hope there'll be plenty of articles by finnish participants. Good luck! :) Красный (keskustelu) 1. marraskuuta 2020 kello 23.07 (EET)
Wiki of functions naming contest - Round 2
[muokkaa]Hei. Reminder: Please help to choose the name for the new Wikimedia wiki project - the library of functions. The finalist vote starts today. The finalists for the name are: Wikicode, Wikicodex, Wikifunctions, Wikifusion, Wikilambda, Wikimedia Functions. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at Meta-wiki. Kiitos! --Quiddity (WMF)
6. marraskuuta 2020 kello 00.11 (EET)
Update to ICU Unicode library
[muokkaa]Starting on November 16, we will migrate the servers running the MediaWiki application servers to a new release of the ICU Unicode library (w:International Components for Unicode) (from version 57 to 63).
This unblocks some future work on upgrading the servers to a new Operating System release and will also allow the use of improved internationalisation in the future (as wikis will then be able to use features introduced by the new ICU release such as new collation definitions, and allows us to use a more recent version of Unicode in MediaWiki).
This migration will cause some unavoidable temporary user-visible impact: The sorting of some category pages will be distorted – all pages which have been updated with the new software version will use the new sorting while untouched pages still use the old sorting. As such, we need to run a maintenance script to update the sorting for old entries.
The distortions may last from a few hours (on medium-sized wikis), up to a day (on the largest wikis), and a few days on English Wikipedia. The start-time will depend upon when the migration script reaches each wiki.
This affects 149 wikis (including eight out of the ten biggest Wikipedias). The detailed list and the task for the technical implementation is at T264991.
Thank you.

Vuoden 2021 yhteisön toivelistakysely on nyt auki! Tämä kysely on prosessi, jossa yhteisöt päättävät minkä kanssa Community Tech -tiimin pitäisi työskennellä ensi vuoden aikana. Kannustamme kaikkia jättämään ehdotuksia ennen kyselyn sulkeutumista 30 marraskuun, tai ehdottamaan parannuksia jo tehtyihin ehdotuksiin.
The communities will vote on the proposals between 8 joulukuun and 21 joulukuun.
The Community Tech team is focused on tools for experienced Wikimedia editors. Voit kirjoittaa ehdotuksia millä tahansa kielellä, ja käännämme ne sinulle. Kiitos, ja odotamme innolla ehdotuksiasi!
20. marraskuuta 2020 kello 20.11 (EET)
Global bot policy proposal: invitation to a Meta discussion
I apologize for sending a message in English. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi. According to the list, your wiki project currently is opted in to the global bot policy. Under this policy, bots that fix double redirects or maintain interwiki links are allowed to operate under a global bot flag that is assigned directly by the stewards.
As the Wikimedia projects developed, the need for the current global bot policy decreased, and in the past years, no bots were appointed via that policy. That is mainly given Wikidata were estabilished in 2013, and it is no longer necessary to have dozens of bots that maintain interwiki links.
A proposal was made at Meta-Wiki, which proposes that the stewards will be authorized to determine whether an uncontroversial task may be assigned a global bot flag. The stewards already assign permissions that are more impactful on many wikis, namely, global sysops and global renamers, and I do not think that trust should be an issue. The stewards will assign the permission only to time-proven bots that are already approved at a number of projects, like ListeriaBot.
By this message, I would like to invite you to comment in the global RFC, to voice your opinion about this matter.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
Martin Urbanec (keskustelu) 24. marraskuuta 2020 kello 13.49 (EET)
Wikidata descriptions changes to be included more often in Recent Changes and Watchlist
[muokkaa]Sorry for sending this message in English. Translations are available on this page. Feel free to translate it in more languages!
As you may know, you can include changes coming from Wikidata in your Watchlist and Recent Changes (in your preferences). Until now, this feature didn’t always include changes made on Wikidata descriptions due to the way Wikidata tracks the data used in a given article.
Starting on December 3rd, the Watchlist and Recent Changes will include changes on the descriptions of Wikidata Items that are used in the pages that you watch. This will only include descriptions in the language of your wiki to make sure that you’re only seeing changes that are relevant to your wiki.
This improvement was requested by many users from different projects. We hope that it can help you monitor the changes on Wikidata descriptions that affect your wiki and participate in the effort of improving the data quality on Wikidata for all Wikimedia wikis and beyond.
Note: if you didn’t use the Wikidata watchlist integration feature for a long time, feel free to give it another chance! The feature has been improved since the beginning and the content it displays is more precise and useful than at the beginning of the feature in 2015.
If you encounter any issue or want to provide feedback, feel free to use this Phabricator ticket. Thanks!
2020 Coolest Tool Award Ceremony on December 11th
[muokkaa]Hello all,
The ceremony of the 2020 Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will take place virtually on Friday, December 11th, at 17:00 GMT. This award is highlighting tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects, and the ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to the tools developers and maybe discover new tools!
You will find more information here about the livestream and the discussions channels. Thanks for your attention, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 7. joulukuuta 2020 kello 12.55 (EET)

Kutsumme kaikkia rekisteröityneitä käyttäjiä osallistumaan vuoden 2021 toivelistakyselyyn. Voit äänestää 21. joulukuuta saakka niin montaa toivetta kuin haluat.
Kyselyssä kerätään toiveita uusille ja parannetuille työkaluille kokeneita muokkaajia varten. Äänestyksen jälkeen me teemme parhaamme toteuttaaksemme toiveenne. Aloitamme niistä, jotka olivat suosituimpia.
Me, Community Tech, olemme yksi Wikimedia-säätiön tiimeistä. Me kehitämme ja parantelemme työkaluja muokkaamista ja wikien ylläpitoa varten. Kohteemme päätetään yhteisön toivelistakyselyn tulosten perusteella. Toiveita voi esittää kerran vuodessa. Kahden viikon jälkeen voit äänestää niistä, jotka sinua eniten kiinnostavat. Sitten me valitsemme toiveet, joita työstämme. Vapaaehtoiset kehittäjät tai muut tiimit saattavat myös valita joitakin toiveita.
Odotamme ääniäsi. Kiitos!
11. joulukuuta 2020 kello 17.58 (EET)
Moving Wikimania 2021 to a Virtual Event
Hei. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi. Kiitos!
Wikimania will be a virtual event this year, and hosted by a wide group of community members. Whenever the next in-person large gathering is possible again, the ESEAP Core Organizing Team will be in charge of it. Stay tuned for more information about how you can get involved in the planning process and other aspects of the event. Please read the longer version of this announcement on wikimedia-l.
ESEAP Core Organizing Team, Wikimania Steering Committee, Wikimedia Foundation Events Team, 27. tammikuuta 2021 kello 17.16 (EET)
Project Grant Open Call
[muokkaa]This is the announcement for the Project Grants program open call that started on January 11, with the submission deadline of February 10, 2021.
This first open call will be focussed on Community Organizing proposals. A second open call focused on research and software proposals is scheduled from February 15 with a submission deadline of March 16, 2021.
For the Round 1 open call, we invite you to propose grant applications that fall under community development and organizing (offline and online) categories. Project Grant funds are available to support individuals, groups, and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, from organizing a better process on your wiki, coordinating a campaign or editathon series to providing other support for community building. We offer the following resources to help you plan your project and complete a grant proposal:
- Weekly proposals clinics via Zoom during the Open Call. Join us for #Upcoming_Proposal_Clinics|real-time discussions with Program Officers and select thematic experts and get live feedback about your Project Grants proposal. We’ll answer questions and help you make your proposal better. We also offer these support pages to help you build your proposal:
- Video tutorials for writing a strong application
- General planning page for Project Grants
- Program guidelines and criteria
Program officers are also available to offer individualized proposal support upon request. Contact us if you would like feedback or more information.
We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into motion, and submit your proposal by February 10, 2021!
Please feel free to get in touch with questions about getting started with your grant application, or about serving on the Project Grants Committee. Contact us at Please help us translate this message to your local language. MediaWiki message delivery (keskustelu) 28. tammikuuta 2021 kello 10.01 (EET)
Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 is back!
[muokkaa]Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.
You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.
Please support us in translating the project page and a banner message to help us spread the word in your native language.
Kind regards,
Wiki loves Folklore International Team
MediaWiki message delivery (keskustelu) 6. helmikuuta 2021 kello 15.25 (EET)
Wikifunctions logo contest
[muokkaa]2. maaliskuuta 2021 kello 03.51 (EET)
Universal Code of Conduct – 2021 consultations
[muokkaa]Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2
[muokkaa]Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a universal baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire Wikimedia movement and all its projects. The project is currently in Phase 2, outlining clear enforcement pathways. You can read more about the whole project on its project page.
Drafting Committee: Call for applications
[muokkaa]The Wikimedia Foundation is recruiting volunteers to join a committee to draft how to make the code enforceable. Volunteers on the committee will commit between 2 and 6 hours per week from late April through July and again in October and November. It is important that the committee be diverse and inclusive, and have a range of experiences, including both experienced users and newcomers, and those who have received or responded to, as well as those who have been falsely accused of harassment.
To apply and learn more about the process, see Universal Code of Conduct/Drafting committee.
2021 community consultations: Notice and call for volunteers / translators
[muokkaa]From 5 April – 5 May 2021 there will be conversations on many Wikimedia projects about how to enforce the UCoC. We are looking for volunteers to translate key material, as well as to help host consultations on their own languages or projects using suggested key questions. If you are interested in volunteering for either of these roles, please contact us in whatever language you are most comfortable.
To learn more about this work and other conversations taking place, see Universal Code of Conduct/2021 consultations.
Global bot policy changes
I apologize for sending a message in English. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi. According to the list, your wiki project is currently opted in to the global bot policy. As such, I want to let you know about some changes that were made after the global RfC was closed.
- Global bots are now subject to a 2 week discussion, and it'll be publicized via a MassMessage list, available at Bot policy/New global bot discussion on Meta. Please subscribe yourself or your wiki if you are interested in new global bots proposals.
- For a bot to be considered for approval, it must demonstrate it is welcomed in multiple projects, and a good way to do that is to have the bot flag on at least 5 wikis for a single task.
- The bot operator should make sure to adhere to the wiki's preference as related to the use of the bot flag (i.e., if a wiki doesn't want a bot to use the flag as it edits, that should be followed).
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
—Thanks for the fish! talk•contribs 6. huhtikuuta 2021 kello 21.48 (EEST)
Universal Code of Conduct News – Issue 1
[muokkaa]Universal Code of Conduct News
Issue 1, June 2021Read the full newsletter
Welcome to the first issue of Universal Code of Conduct News! This newsletter will help Wikimedians stay involved with the development of the new code, and will distribute relevant news, research, and upcoming events related to the UCoC.
Please note, this is the first issue of UCoC Newsletter which is delivered to all subscribers and projects as an announcement of the initiative. If you want the future issues delivered to your talk page, village pumps, or any specific pages you find appropriate, you need to subscribe here.
You can help us by translating the newsletter issues in your languages to spread the news and create awareness of the new conduct to keep our beloved community safe for all of us. Please add your name here if you want to be informed of the draft issue to translate beforehand. Your participation is valued and appreciated.
- Affiliate consultations – Wikimedia affiliates of all sizes and types were invited to participate in the UCoC affiliate consultation throughout March and April 2021. (continue reading)
- 2021 key consultations – The Wikimedia Foundation held enforcement key questions consultations in April and May 2021 to request input about UCoC enforcement from the broader Wikimedia community. (continue reading)
- Roundtable discussions – The UCoC facilitation team hosted two 90-minute-long public roundtable discussions in May 2021 to discuss UCoC key enforcement questions. More conversations are scheduled. (continue reading)
- Phase 2 drafting committee – The drafting committee for the phase 2 of the UCoC started their work on 12 May 2021. Read more about their work. (continue reading)
- Diff blogs – The UCoC facilitators wrote several blog posts based on interesting findings and insights from each community during local project consultation that took place in the 1st quarter of 2021. (continue reading)
--MediaWiki message delivery (keskustelu) 12. kesäkuuta 2021 kello 02.06 (EEST)
Wikimania 2021: Individual Program Submissions
Dear all,
Wikimania 2021 will be hosted virtually for the first time in the event's 15-year history. Since there is no in-person host, the event is being organized by a diverse group of Wikimedia volunteers that form the Core Organizing Team (COT) for Wikimania 2021.
Event Program - Individuals or a group of individuals can submit their session proposals to be a part of the program. There will be translation support for sessions provided in a number of languages. See more information here.
Below are some links to guide you through;
Please note that the deadline for submission is 18th June 2021.
Announcements- To keep up to date with the developments around Wikimania, the COT sends out weekly updates. You can view them in the Announcement section here.
Office Hour - If you are left with questions, the COT will be hosting some office hours (in multiple languages), in multiple time-zones, to answer any programming questions that you might have. Details can be found here.
Best regards,
MediaWiki message delivery (keskustelu) 16. kesäkuuta 2021 kello 07.18 (EEST)
On behalf of Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team
Editing news 2021 #2
[muokkaa]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Earlier this year, the Editing team ran a large study of the Reply Tool. The main goal was to find out whether the Reply Tool helped newer editors communicate on wiki. The second goal was to see whether the comments that newer editors made using the tool needed to be reverted more frequently than comments newer editors made with the existing wikitext page editor.
The key results were:
- Newer editors who had automatic ("default on") access to the Reply tool were more likely to post a comment on a talk page.
- The comments that newer editors made with the Reply Tool were also less likely to be reverted than the comments that newer editors made with page editing.
These results give the Editing team confidence that the tool is helpful.
Looking ahead
The team is planning to make the Reply tool available to everyone as an opt-out preference in the coming months. This has already happened at the Arabic, Czech, and Hungarian Wikipedias.
The next step is to resolve a technical challenge. Then, they will deploy the Reply tool first to the Wikipedias that participated in the study. After that, they will deploy it, in stages, to the other Wikipedias and all WMF-hosted wikis.
You can turn on "Keskustelutyökalut" in Beta Features now. After you get the Reply tool, you can change your preferences at any time in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.
24. kesäkuuta 2021 kello 17.14 (EEST)
Server switch
[muokkaa]Lue tämä toisella kielellä • Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Wikimedia-säätiö testaa ensimmäisen ja toissijaisen datakeskuksen vaihtoa. Tarkoituksena on taata Wikipedian ja muiden Wikimedia-wikien toiminta jopa mahdollisen suuronnettomuuden jälkeen. Wikimedian tekniikkaosasto varmistaa järjestelmän toiminnan ennakkoon suunnitellulla testillä, jonka tarkoituksena on osoittaa luotettava siirtymä datakeskuksesta toiseen. Toimenpide vaatii monien tiimien ennakkovalmisteluja ja testinaikaista läsnäoloa, jotta kaikki odottamattomat ongelmat saadaan korjattua.
Valitettavasti joidenkin MediaWikin rajoitusten vuoksi kaikki muokkaukset pysähtyvät vaihdon ajaksi. Pahoittelemme häiriötä, joiden vaikutuksia pyrimme jatkossa vähentämään.
Siirron aikana on lyhyt aika, jolloin voit lukea kaikkia wikejä, mutta muokkaaminen ei ole mahdollista.
- Et voi muokata korkeintaan tunnin ajan tiistaina 29. kesäkuuta. Testi alkaa 14:00 UTC (kello 17 Suomen aikaa).
- Jos yrität muokata tai tallentaa näinä aikoina, saat virheilmoituksen. Toivomme, ettei muokkauksia katoa näiden minuuttien aikana, mutta emme voi taata sitä. Jos näet virheilmoituksen, odota tilanteen palautumista normaaliksi. Sen jälkeen sinun pitäisi pystyä tallentamaan muokkauksesi. Suosittelemme varmuuden vuoksi ensin tekemään kopion muokkauksistasi.
Muut vaikutukset:
- Taustatyöt voivat kestää kauemmin ja osa saattaa jäädä tekemättä. Punaiset linkit eivät välttämättä päivity yhtä nopeasti kuin normaalisti. Punaisen linkin muuttuminen siniseksi artikkelin luomisen jälkeen saattaa kestää kauemmin kuin yleensä. Joidenkin pitkien ohjelmasarjojen suorittaminen joudutaan keskeyttämään.
- Koodin jäädyttäminen tapahtuu viikolla, jolle 28. kesäkuuta 2021 sijoittuu. Kiireettömät ohjelmiston julkaisut keskeytetään.
Mahdollinen tekijänoikeusrikos
[muokkaa]Tiedoksi: Käyttäjästä Luchy04 keskustellaan englanninkielisissä Wikimatkoissa. Hänen oletetaan lisäävän konekäännettyä tekstiä muista lähteistä monessa projektissa. Katsoin hänen muokkauksiaan täällä, ja ne ovat epäilyttävän seikkaperäisiä, kuten muuallakin, ja vaikka teksti enimmäkseen on järkeenkäypää, hän ei ole tehnyt mitään sisällytäkseen aikaisempaa sisältöä, ja suuri osa muotoiluista haiskahtaa konekäännökseltä, kuten:
- Aostan laaksoon pääsee helposti ja sinne pääsee autolla, moottoripyörällä ja retkeilijällä, koska sillä on tärkeä tieverkko.
- Toiseksi tärkein asema on Firenze Campo di Marten asema, jota käytetään aina kansallisiin ja kansainvälisiin rautatieliikennepalveluihin.
- A1-moottoritie on tärkein valtatie, joka yhdistää maan pohjoisen ja etelän, kulkee Firenzen edessä, jolla on neljä uloskäyntiä.
En halua itse puuttua asiaan tämän enempää, kun kerran en ole muuten ollut täällä aktiivinen. –LPfi (keskustelu) 22. heinäkuuta 2021 kello 18.45 (EEST)
- Aikalailla tosiaan siltä vaikuttaa, ainakin Aostan tekstiä näyttäisi olevan käännetty sivulta Stryn (keskustelu) 25. heinäkuuta 2021 kello 16.11 (EEST)
Universal Code of Conduct - Enforcement draft guidelines review
[muokkaa]The Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2 drafting committee would like comments about the enforcement draft guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC). This review period is planned for 17 August 2021 through 17 October 2021.
These guidelines are not final but you can help move the progress forward. The committee will revise the guidelines based upon community input.
Comments can be shared in any language on the draft review talk page and multiple other venues. Community members are encouraged to organize conversations in their communities.
There are planned live discussions about the UCoC enforcement draft guidelines:
- Wikimania 2021 session (recorded 16 August)
- Conversation hours - 24 August, 31 August, 7 September @ 03:00 UTC & 14:00 UTC
- Roundtable calls - 18 September @ 03:00 UTC & 15:00 UTC
Summaries of discussions will be posted every two weeks here.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Viikon kilpailu
[muokkaa]Voitaisiinko perustaa tänne samanlainen Viikon kilpailu kuin on Wikipediassa? --40bus (keskustelu) 1. syyskuuta 2021 kello 10.30 (EEST)
[muokkaa]Ehdotan, että projektiin valitaan ylläpitäjä. Kuka voisi olla hyvä? --40bus (keskustelu) 1. syyskuuta 2021 kello 10.35 (EEST)
@Stryn: Sinäkö? --40bus (keskustelu) 1. syyskuuta 2021 kello 12.50 (EEST)
- En koe että on tarvetta ylläpitäjille tällä hetkellä. Pystyn nytkin poistamaan sivuja ym. jos tarvii. Stryn (keskustelu) 1. syyskuuta 2021 kello 17.39 (EEST)
- Tänne pitäisi saada oikea ylläpitäjä. --40bus (keskustelu) 2. syyskuuta 2021 kello 08.24 (EEST)
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election has come to an end
[muokkaa]Thank you for participating in the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election! Voting closed August 31 at 23:59. The official data, including the four most voted candidates, will be announced as soon as the Elections Committee completes their review of the ballots. The official announcement of the new trustees appointed will happen later, once the selected candidates have been confirmed by the Board.
6,946 community members from 216 wiki projects have voted. This makes 10.2% global participation, 1.1% higher than in the last Board elections. In 2017, 5167 people from 202 wiki projects cast their vote. A full analysis is planned to be published in a few days when the confirmed results are announced. In the meantime, you can check the data produced during the election.
Diversity was an important goal with these elections. Messages about the Board election were translated into 61 languages. This outreach worked well. There were 70 communities with eligible voters voting in this election for the first time. With your help, next year’s Board of Trustees election will be even better.
1. syyskuuta 2021 kello 23.52 (EEST)
The 2022 Community Wishlist Survey will happen in January
[muokkaa]Hello everyone,
We hope all of you are as well and safe as possible during these trying times! We wanted to share some news about a change to the Community Wishlist Survey 2022. We would like to hear your opinions as well.
We will be running the Community Wishlist Survey 2022 in January 2022. We need more time to work on the 2021 wishes. We also need time to prepare some changes to the Wishlist 2022. In the meantime, you can use a dedicated sandbox to leave early ideas for the 2022 wishes.
Proposing and wish-fulfillment will happen during the same year
[muokkaa]In the past, the Community Tech team has run the Community Wishlist Survey for the following year in November of the prior year. For example, we ran the Wishlist for 2021 in November 2020. That worked well a few years ago. At that time, we used to start working on the Wishlist soon after the results of the voting were published.
However, in 2021, there was a delay between the voting and the time when we could start working on the new wishes. Until July 2021, we were working on wishes from the Wishlist for 2020.
We hope having the Wishlist 2022 in January 2022 will be more intuitive. This will also give us time to fulfill more wishes from the 2021 Wishlist.
Encouraging wider participation from historically excluded communities
[muokkaa]We are thinking how to make the Wishlist easier to participate in. We want to support more translations, and encourage under-resourced communities to be more active. We would like to have some time to make these changes.
A new space to talk to us about priorities and wishes not granted yet
[muokkaa]We will have gone 365 days without a Wishlist. We encourage you to approach us. We hope to hear from you in the talk page, but we also hope to see you at our bi-monthly Talk to Us meetings! These will be hosted at two different times friendly to time zones around the globe.
We will begin our first meeting September 15th at 23:00 UTC. More details about the agenda and format coming soon!
Brainstorm and draft proposals before the proposal phase
[muokkaa]If you have early ideas for wishes, you can use the new Community Wishlist Survey sandbox. This way, you will not forget about these before January 2022. You will be able to come back and refine your ideas. Remember, edits in the sandbox don't count as wishes!
[muokkaa]- What should we do to improve the Wishlist pages?
- How would you like to use our new sandbox?
- What, if any, risks do you foresee in our decision to change the date of the Wishlist 2022?
- What will help more people participate in the Wishlist 2022?
Answer on the talk page (in any language you prefer) or at our Talk to Us meetings.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 7. syyskuuta 2021 kello 03.23 (EEST)
Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee ending 14 September 2021
[muokkaa]Movement Strategy announces the Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee. The Call opens August 2, 2021 and closes September 14, 2021.
The Committee is expected to represent diversity in the Movement. Diversity includes gender, language, geography, and experience. This comprises participation in projects, affiliates, and the Wikimedia Foundation.
English fluency is not required to become a member. If needed, translation and interpretation support is provided. Members will receive an allowance to offset participation costs. It is US$100 every two months.
We are looking for people who have some of the following skills:
- Know how to write collaboratively. (demonstrated experience is a plus)
- Are ready to find compromises.
- Focus on inclusion and diversity.
- Have knowledge of community consultations.
- Have intercultural communication experience.
- Have governance or organization experience in non-profits or communities.
- Have experience negotiating with different parties.
The Committee is expected to start with 15 people. If there are 20 or more candidates, a mixed election and selection process will happen. If there are 19 or fewer candidates, then the process of selection without election takes place.
Will you help move Wikimedia forward in this important role? Submit your candidacy here. Please contact with questions.
Server switch
[muokkaa]Read this message in another language • Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic back to the primary data center on Tuesday, 14 September 2021.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, 14 September 2021. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 WEST/BST, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday, 15 September).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) (keskustelu) 11. syyskuuta 2021 kello 03.46 (EEST)
Talk to the Community Tech
[muokkaa]Read this message in another language • Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
As we have recently announced, we, the team working on the Community Wishlist Survey, would like to invite you to an online meeting with us. It will take place on September 15th, 23:00 UTC on Zoom, and will last an hour. Click here to join.
- How we prioritize the wishes to be granted
- Why we decided to change the date from November 2021 to January 2022
- Update on the disambiguation and the real-time preview wishes
- Questions and answers
The meeting will not be recorded or streamed. Notes without attribution will be taken and published on Meta-Wiki. The presentation (first three points in the agenda) will be given in English.
We can answer questions asked in English, French, Polish, and Spanish. If you would like to ask questions in advance, add them on the Community Wishlist Survey talk page or send to
Natalia Rodriguez (the Community Tech manager) will be hosting this meeting.
Invitation link
- Join online
- Meeting ID: 898 2861 5390
- One tap mobile
- +16465588656,,89828615390# US (New York)
- +16699006833,,89828615390# US (San Jose)
- Dial by your location
See you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (keskustelu) 11. syyskuuta 2021 kello 06.04 (EEST)
Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open
Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open. In total, 70 Wikimedians from around the world are running for 7 seats in these elections.
Voting is open from October 12 to October 24, 2021.
The committee will consist of 15 members in total: The online communities vote for 7 members, 6 members will be selected by the Wikimedia affiliates through a parallel process, and 2 members will be appointed by the Wikimedia Foundation. The plan is to assemble the committee by November 1, 2021.
Learn about each candidate to inform your vote in the language that you prefer: <>
Learn about the Drafting Committee: <>
We are piloting a voting advice application for this election. Click yourself through the tool and you will see which candidate is closest to you! Check at <>
Read the full announcement: <>
Go vote at SecurePoll on: <>
Movement Strategy & Governance Team, Wikimedia Foundation
Learn how Movement Strategy Implementation Grants can support your Movement Strategy plans
[muokkaa]Movement Strategy Implementation grants now provide more than $2,000 USD to put Movement Strategy plans into action. Find out more about Movement Strategy Implementation grants, the criteria, and how to apply.
MNadzikiewicz (WMF) (talk) 13:30, 29 October 2021 (UTC)
Meet the new Movement Charter Drafting Committee members
[muokkaa]The Movement Charter Drafting Committee election and selection processes are complete.
- The election results have been published. 1018 participants voted to elect seven members to the committee: Richard Knipel (Pharos), Anne Clin (Risker), Alice Wiegand (Lyzzy), Michał Buczyński (Aegis Maelstrom), Richard (Nosebagbear), Ravan J Al-Taie (Ravan), Ciell (Ciell).
- The affiliate process has selected six members: Anass Sedrati (Anass Sedrati), Érica Azzellini (EricaAzzellini), Jamie Li-Yun Lin (Li-Yun Lin), Georges Fodouop (Geugeor), Manavpreet Kaur (Manavpreet Kaur), Pepe Flores (Padaguan).
- The Wikimedia Foundation has appointed two members: Runa Bhattacharjee (Runab WMF), Jorge Vargas (JVargas (WMF)).
The committee will convene soon to start its work. The committee can appoint up to three more members to bridge diversity and expertise gaps.
If you are interested in engaging with Movement Charter drafting process, follow the updates on Meta and join the Telegram group.
With thanks from the Movement Strategy and Governance team
5. marraskuuta 2021 kello 17.53 (EET)
Upcoming Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees elections
- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
The Board of Trustees is preparing a call for feedback about the upcoming Board Elections, from January 7 - February 10, 2022.
While details will be finalized the week before the call, we have confirmed at least two questions that will be asked during this call for feedback:
- What is the best way to ensure fair representation of emerging communities among the Board?
- What involvement should candidates have during the election?
While additional questions may be added, the Movement Strategy and Governance team wants to provide time for community members and affiliates to consider and prepare ideas on the confirmed questions before the call opens. We apologize for not having a complete list of questions at this time. The list of questions should only grow by one or two questions. The intention is to not overwhelm the community with requests, but provide notice and welcome feedback on these important questions.
Do you want to help organize local conversation during this Call?
Contact the Movement Strategy and Governance team on Meta, on Telegram, or via email at
Reach out if you have any questions or concerns. The Movement Strategy and Governance team will be minimally staffed until January 3. Please excuse any delayed response during this time. We also recognize some community members and affiliates are offline during the December holidays. We apologize if our message has reached you while you are on holiday.
Movement Strategy and Governance
Wiki Loves Folklore is back!
[muokkaa]Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.
You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.
You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.
Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.
Kind regards,
Wiki loves Folklore International Team
--MediaWiki message delivery (keskustelu) 9. tammikuuta 2022 kello 15.15 (EET)
2022 yhteisön toivelistakysely
Vuoden 2022 yhteisön toivelistakysely on nyt auki!
Tämä kysely on prosessi, jossa yhteisöt päättävät, minkä kanssa [m:Special:MyLanguage/Community Tech|Community Tech]] -tiimin pitäisi työskennellä ensi vuoden aikana. Kannustamme kaikkia jättämään ehdotuksia ennen kyselyn sulkeutumista 23. tammikuuta, tai ehdottamaan parannuksia jo tehtyihin ehdotuksiin.
Yhteisöt äänestävät ehdotuksista 28. tammikuuta ja 11. helmikuuta välillä.
Community Tech -tiimi työskentelee kokeneiden Wikimedia-muokkaajien työkalujen kehittämisessä. Voit kirjoittaa ehdotuksia millä tahansa kielellä, ja käännämme ne sinulle. Kiitos, ja odotamme innolla ehdotuksiasi! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 10. tammikuuta 2022 kello 22.20 (EET)
Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees elections is now open
[muokkaa]:You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
The Call for Feedback: Board of Trustees elections is now open and will close on 7 February 2022.
With this Call for Feedback, the Movement Strategy and Governance team is taking a different approach. This approach incorporates community feedback from 2021. Instead of leading with proposals, the Call is framed around key questions from the Board of Trustees. The key questions came from the feedback about the 2021 Board of Trustees election. The intention is to inspire collective conversation and collaborative proposal development about these key questions.
Movement Strategy and Governance
Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories
[muokkaa]Dear community members,
Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.
If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.
Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.
More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.
For more information, please contact
Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 5
Movement Strategy and Governance News
Issue 5, January 2022Read the full newsletter
Welcome to the fifth issue of Movement Strategy and Governance News (formerly known as Universal Code of Conduct News)! This revamped newsletter distributes relevant news and events about the Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct, Movement Strategy Implementation grants, Board elections and other relevant MSG topics.
This Newsletter will be distributed quarterly, while more frequent Updates will also be delivered weekly or bi-weekly to subscribers. Please remember to subscribe here if you would like to receive these updates.
- Call for Feedback about the Board elections - We invite you to give your feedback on the upcoming WMF Board of Trustees election. This call for feedback went live on 10th January 2022 and will be concluded on 16th February 2022. (continue reading)
- Universal Code of Conduct Ratification - In 2021, the WMF asked communities about how to enforce the Universal Code of Conduct policy text. The revised draft of the enforcement guidelines should be ready for community vote in March. (continue reading)
- Movement Strategy Implementation Grants - As we continue to review several interesting proposals, we encourage and welcome more proposals and ideas that target a specific initiative from the Movement Strategy recommendations. (continue reading)
- The New Direction for the Newsletter - As the UCoC Newsletter transitions into MSG Newsletter, join the facilitation team in envisioning and deciding on the new directions for this newsletter. (continue reading)
- Diff Blogs - Check out the most recent publications about MSG on Wikimedia Diff. (continue reading)
Xeno (WMF) 29. tammikuuta 2022 kello 05.14 (EET)
Updates on the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines Review
[muokkaa]Hello, I have an update on the vote on the enforcement guidelines that was mentioned above. Xeno (WMF) (keskustelu) 4. helmikuuta 2022 kello 04.57 (EET)
Hello everyone,
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the Universal Code of Conduct across the movement. Comments about the guidelines can be shared here or the Meta-wiki talk page.
There will be conversations on Zoom on 4 February 2022 at 15:00 UTC, 25 February 2022 at 12:00 UTC, and 4 March 2022 at 15:00 UTC. Join the UCoC project team and drafting committee members to discuss the guidelines and voting process.
The timeline is available on Meta-wiki. The voting period is March 7 to 21. See the voting information page for more details.
Thank you to everyone who has participated so far.
Movement Strategy and Governance
Wikimedia Foundation
Leadership Development Task Force: Your feedback is appreciated
[muokkaa]:You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
The Community Development team at the Wikimedia Foundation is supporting the creation of a global, community-driven Leadership Development Task Force. The purpose of the task force is to advise leadership development work.
The team is looking for feedback about the responsibilities of the Leadership Development Task Force. This Meta page shares the proposal for a Leadership Development Task Force and how you can help. Feedback on the proposal will be collected from 7 to 25 February 2022.
Wiki Loves Folklore is extended till 15th March
Greetings from Wiki Loves Folklore International Team,
We are pleased to inform you that Wiki Loves Folklore an international photographic contest on Wikimedia Commons has been extended till the 15th of March 2022. The scope of the contest is focused on folk culture of different regions on categories, such as, but not limited to, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, etc.
We would like to have your immense participation in the photographic contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.
Best wishes,
International Team
Wiki Loves Folklore
MediaWiki message delivery (keskustelu) 22. helmikuuta 2022 kello 06.50 (EET)
Remember to Participate in the UCoC Conversations and Ratification Vote!
Hello everyone,
A vote in SecurePoll from 7 to 21 March 2022 is scheduled as part of the ratification process for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement guidelines. Eligible voters are invited to answer a poll question and share comments. Read voter information and eligibility details. During the poll, voters will be asked if they support the enforcement of the Universal Code of Conduct based on the proposed guidelines.
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire movement. The revised enforcement guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the policy across the movement. A Wikimedia Foundation Board statement calls for a ratification process where eligible voters will have an opportunity to support or oppose the adoption of the UCoC Enforcement guidelines in a vote. Wikimedians are invited to translate and share important information. For more information about the UCoC, please see the project page and frequently asked questions on Meta-wiki.
There are events scheduled to learn more and discuss:
- A community panel recorded on 18 February 2022 shares perspectives from small- and medium-sized community participants.
- The Movement Strategy and Governance (MSG) team is hosting Conversation Hours on 4 March 2022 at 15:00 UTC. Please sign-up to interact with the project team and the drafting committee about the updated enforcement guidelines and the ratification process. See the Conversation Hour summaries for notes from 4 February 2022 and 25 February 2022.
You can comment on Meta-wiki talk pages in any language. You may also contact either team by email: or ucocproject
Movement Strategy and Governance
Wikimedia Foundation
Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement guidelines ratification voting open from 7 to 21 March 2022
Hello everyone,
The ratification voting process for the revised enforcement guidelines of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) is now open! Voting commenced on SecurePoll on 7 March 2022 and will conclude on 21 March 2022. Please read more on the voter information and eligibility details.
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire movement. The revised enforcement guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the policy across the movement. You can read more about the UCoC project.
You can also comment on Meta-wiki talk pages in any language. You may also contact the team by email:
Movement Strategy and Governance
Wikimedia Foundation
Invitation to Hubs event: Global Conversation on 2022-03-12 at 13:00 UTC
The Movement Strategy and Governance team of the Wikimedia Foundation would like to invite you to the next event about "Regional and Thematic Hubs". The Wikimedia Movement is in the process of understanding what Regional and Thematic Hubs should be. Our workshop in November was a good start (read the report), but we're not finished yet.
Over the last weeks we conducted about 16 interviews with groups working on establishing a Hub in their context (see Hubs Dialogue). These interviews informed a report that will serve as a foundation for discussion on March 12. The report is planned to be published on March 9.
The event will take place on March 12, 13:00 to 16:00 UTC on Zoom. Interpretation will be provided in French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Portuguese. Registration is open, and will close on March 10. Anyone interested in the topic is invited to join us. More information on the event on Meta-wiki.
Best regards,
Kaarel Vaidla
Movement Strategy
10. maaliskuuta 2022 kello 03.31 (EET)
Ukrainian DotM
[muokkaa](sorry for English)
As a small symbolic gesture in favor of the Ukrainian population, the Italian community of Wikivoyage has decided to collaborate to push one Ukrainian city as Destination of the Month.
The choice fell on Lviv (it:Leopoli) because from a touristic point of view, among the interesting historical Ukrainian cities, this is the one furthest away city from the current conflict and therefore (we hope) the one that will suffer the least damage and changes.
Do you think this Wikivoyage community could also be interested in a similar initiative? --Andyrom75 (keskustelu) 12. maaliskuuta 2022 kello 19.44 (EET)
Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends tomorrow
International photographic contest Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends on 15th March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. This is the last chance of the year to upload images about local folk culture, festival, cuisine, costume, folklore etc on Wikimedia Commons. Watch out our social media handles for regular updates and declaration of Winners.
(Facebook , Twitter , Instagram)
The writing competition Feminism and Folklore will run till 31st of March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. Write about your local folk tradition, women, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, folklore, and tradition, including ballads, folktales, fairy tales, legends, traditional song and dance, folk plays, games, seasonal events, calendar customs, folk arts, folk religion, mythology etc. on your local Wikipedia. Check if your local Wikipedia is participating
A special competition called Wiki Loves Falles is organised in Spain and the world during 15th March 2022 till 15th April 2022 to document local folk culture and Falles in Valencia, Spain. Learn more about it on Catalan Wikipedia project page.
We look forward for your immense co-operation.
Thanks Wiki Loves Folklore international Team MediaWiki message delivery (keskustelu) 14. maaliskuuta 2022 kello 16.41 (EET)
Leadership Development Working Group: Apply to join! (14 March to 10 April 2022)
Hello everyone,
Thank you to everyone who participated in the feedback period for the Leadership Development Working Group initiative. A summary of the feedback can be found on Meta-wiki. This feedback will be shared with the working group to inform their work. The application period to join the Working Group is now open and will close on April 10, 2022. Please review the information about the working group, share with community members who might be interested, and apply if you are interested.
Thank you,
From the Community Development team
Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement guidelines ratification voting is now closed
The ratification voting process for the revised enforcement guidelines of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) came to a close on 21 March 2022. Over 2300 Wikimedians voted across different regions of our movement. Thank you to everyone who participated in this process! The scrutinizing group is now reviewing the vote for accuracy, so please allow up to two weeks for them to finish their work.
The final results from the voting process will be announced here, along with the relevant statistics and a summary of comments as soon as they are available. Please check out the voter information page to learn about the next steps. You can comment on the project talk page on Meta-wiki in any language. You may also contact the UCoC project team by email:
Best regards,
Movement Strategy and Governance
Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 6
Movement Strategy and Governance News
Issue 6, April 2022Read the full newsletter
Welcome to the sixth issue of Movement Strategy and Governance News! This revamped newsletter distributes relevant news and events about the Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct, Movement Strategy Implementation grants, Board of trustees elections and other relevant MSG topics.
This Newsletter will be distributed quarterly, while the more frequent Updates will also be delivered weekly. Please remember to subscribe here if you would like to receive future issues of this newsletter.
- Leadership Development - A Working Group is Forming! - The application to join the Leadership Development Working Group closed on April 10th, 2022, and up to 12 community members will be selected to participate in the working group. (continue reading)
- Universal Code of Conduct Ratification Results are out! - The global decision process on the enforcement of the UCoC via SecurePoll was held from 7 to 21 March. Over 2,300 eligible voters from at least 128 different home projects submitted their opinions and comments. (continue reading)
- Movement Discussions on Hubs - The Global Conversation event on Regional and Thematic Hubs was held on Saturday, March 12, and was attended by 84 diverse Wikimedians from across the movement. (continue reading)
- Movement Strategy Grants Remain Open! - Since the start of the year, six proposals with a total value of about $80,000 USD have been approved. Do you have a movement strategy project idea? Reach out to us! (continue reading)
- The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is All Set! - The Committee of fifteen members which was elected in October 2021, has agreed on the essential values and methods for its work, and has started to create the outline of the Movement Charter draft. (continue reading)
- Introducing Movement Strategy Weekly - Contribute and Subscribe! - The MSG team have just launched the updates portal, which is connected to the various Movement Strategy pages on Meta-wiki. Subscriber to get up-to-date news about the various ongoing projects. (continue reading)
- Diff Blogs - Check out the most recent publications about Movement Strategy on Wikimedia Diff. (continue reading)
Also, a draft of the 2022-23 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan has been published. Input is being sought on-wiki and during several conversations with Wikimedia Foundation CEO Maryana Iskander.
See full announcement on Meta-wiki. Xeno (WMF) 22. huhtikuuta 2022 kello 04.46 (EEST)
Editing news 2022 #1
[muokkaa]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

The New topic tool helps editors create new ==Sections== on discussion pages. New editors are more successful with this new tool. You can read the report. Soon, the Editing team will offer this to all editors at the 20 Wikipedias that participated in the test. You will be able to turn it off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.
2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates
[muokkaa]The Board of Trustees seeks candidates for the 2022 Board of Trustees election. Read more on Meta-wiki.
The 2022 Board of Trustees election is here! Please consider submitting your candidacy to serve on the Board of Trustees.
The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees oversees the Wikimedia Foundation's operations. Community-and-affiliate selected trustees and Board-appointed trustees make up the Board of Trustees. Each trustee serves a three year term. The Wikimedia community has the opportunity to vote for community-and-affiliate selected trustees.
The Wikimedia community will vote to fill two seats on the Board in 2022. This is an opportunity to improve the representation, diversity, and expertise of the Board as a team.
- Who are potential candidates? Are you a potential candidate? Find out more on the Apply to be a Candidate page.
Thank you for your support,
Movement Strategy and Governance on behalf of the Elections Committee and the Board of Trustees
10. toukokuuta 2022 kello 13.39 (EEST)
Revisions to the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines
Hello all,
We'd like to provide an update on the work on the Enforcement Guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct. After the conclusion of the community vote on the guidelines in March, the Community Affairs committee (CAC) of the Board asked that several areas of the guidelines be reviewed for improvements before the Board does its final review. These areas were identified based on community discussions and comments provided during the vote. The CAC also requested review of the controversial Note in 3.1 of the UCoC itself.
Once more, a big thank you to all who voted, especially to all who left constructive feedback and comments! The project team is working with the Board to establish a timeline for this work, and will communicate this next month.
Members of the two prior UCoC Drafting Committees have generously offered their time to help shape improvements to the Guidelines. You can read more about them and their work here, as well as read summaries of their weekly meetings in 2022.
Wikimedians have provided many valuable comments together with the vote and in other conversations. Given the size and diversity of the Wikimedia community, there are even more voices out there who can give ideas on how to improve the enforcement guidelines and add even more valuable ideas to the process. To help the Revisions committee identify improvements, input on several questions for the committee’s review is requested. Visit the Meta-wiki pages (Enforcement Guidelines revision discussions, Policy text revision discussions) to get your ideas to the Committee - it is very important that viewpoints are heard from different communities before the Committee begins drafting revision proposals.
On behalf of the UCoC project team
Desktop Improvements update
[muokkaa]- Making this the new default
Hei. I wanted to give you an update about the Desktop Improvements project, which the Wikimedia Foundation Web team has been working on for the past few years. Our work is almost finished! 🎉
We would love to see these improvements become the default for readers and editors across all wikis. In the coming weeks, we will begin conversations on more wikis, including yours. 🗓️ We will gladly read your suggestions!
The goals of the project are to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. The project consists of a series of feature improvements which make it easier to read and learn, navigate within the page, search, switch between languages, use article tabs and the user menu, and more. The improvements are already visible by default for readers and editors on more than 30 wikis, including Wikipedias in French, Portuguese, and Persian.
The changes apply to the Vector skin only, although it will always be possible to revert to the previous version on an individual basis. Monobook or Timeless users will not notice any changes.
- The newest features
- Table of contents - our version is easier to reach, gain context of the page, and navigate throughout the page without needing to scroll. It is currently tested across our pilot wikis. It is also available for editors who have opted into the Vector 2022 skin.
- Page tools - now, there are two types of links in the sidebar. There are actions and tools for individual pages (like Related changes) and links of the wiki-wide nature (like Recent changes). We are going to separate these into two intuitive menus.
- How to enable/disable the improvements

- It is possible to opt-in individually in the appearance tab within the preferences by selecting "Vektori (2022)". Also, it is possible to opt-in on all wikis using the global preferences.
- On wikis where the changes are visible by default for all, logged-in users can always opt-out to the Legacy Vector. There is an easily accessible link in the sidebar of the new Vector.
- Learn more and join our events
If you would like to follow the progress of our project, you can subscribe to our newsletter. You can read the pages of the project, check our FAQ, write on the project talk page, and join an online meeting with us.
Kiitos! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (keskustelu) 24. kesäkuuta 2022 kello 04.42 (EEST)
Propose statements for the 2022 Election Compass
[muokkaa]Hi all,
Community members in the 2022 Board of Trustees election are invited to propose statements to use in the Election Compass.
An Election Compass is a tool to help voters select the candidates that best align with their beliefs and views. The community members will propose statements for the candidates to answer using a Lickert scale (agree/neutral/disagree). The candidates’ answers to the statements will be loaded into the Election Compass tool. Voters will use the tool by entering in their answer to the statements (agree/disagree/neutral). The results will show the candidates that best align with the voter’s beliefs and views.
- Here is the timeline for the Election Compass
- July 8 - 20: Community members propose statements for the Election Compass
- July 21 - 22: Elections Committee reviews statements for clarity and removes off-topic statements
- July 23 - August 1: Volunteers vote on the statements
- August 2 - 4: Elections Committee selects the top 15 statements
- August 5 - 12: candidates align themselves with the statements
- August 15: The Election Compass opens for voters to use to help guide their voting decision
The Elections Committee will select the top 15 statements at the beginning of August. The Elections Committee will oversee the process, supported by the Movement Strategy and Governance team. MSG will check that the questions are clear, there are no duplicates, no typos, and so on.
Movement Strategy and Governance
This message was sent on behalf of the Board Selection Task Force and the Elections Committee
MNadzikiewicz (WMF) (talk) 14. heinäkuuta 2022 kello 14.34 (EEST)
Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 7
Movement Strategy and Governance News
Issue 7, July-September 2022Read the full newsletter
Welcome to the 7th issue of Movement Strategy and Governance News! The newsletter distributes relevant news and events about the implementation of Wikimedia's Movement Strategy recommendations, other relevant topics regarding Movement governance, as well as different projects and activities supported by the Movement Strategy and Governance (MSG) team of the Wikimedia Foundation.
The MSG Newsletter is delivered quarterly, while the more frequent Movement Strategy Weekly will be delivered weekly. Please remember to subscribe here if you would like to receive future issues of this newsletter.
- Movement sustainability: Wikimedia Foundation's annual sustainability report has been published. (continue reading)
- Improving user experience: recent improvements on the desktop interface for Wikimedia projects. (continue reading)
- Safety and inclusion: updates on the revision process of the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines. (continue reading)
- Equity in decisionmaking: reports from Hubs pilots conversations, recent progress from the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, and a new white paper for futures of participation in the Wikimedia movement. (continue reading)
- Stakeholders coordination: launch of a helpdesk for Affiliates and volunteer communities working on content partnership. (continue reading)
- Leadership development: updates on leadership projects by Wikimedia movement organizers in Brazil and Cape Verde. (continue reading)
- Internal knowledge management: launch of a new portal for technical documentation and community resources. (continue reading)
- Innovate in free knowledge: high-quality audiovisual resources for scientific experiments and a new toolkit to record oral transcripts. (continue reading)
- Evaluate, iterate, and adapt: results from the Equity Landscape project pilot (continue reading)
- Other news and updates: a new forum to discuss Movement Strategy implementation, upcoming Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election, a new podcast to discuss Movement Strategy, and change of personnel for the Foundation's Movement Strategy and Governance team. (continue reading)
Thank you for reading! RamzyM (WMF) 18. heinäkuuta 2022 kello 04.38 (EEST)
Announcing the six candidates for the 2022 Board of Trustees election
Hi everyone,
The Affiliate voting process has concluded. Representatives from each Affiliate organization learned about the candidates by reading candidates’ statements, reviewing candidates’ answers to questions, and considering the candidates’ ratings provided by the Analysis Committee. The selected 2022 Board of Trustees candidates are:
- Tobechukwu Precious Friday (Tochiprecious)
- Farah Jack Mustaklem (Fjmustak)
- Shani Evenstein Sigalov (Esh77)
- Kunal Mehta (Legoktm)
- Michał Buczyński (Aegis Maelstrom)
- Mike Peel (Mike Peel)
You may see more information about the Results and Statistics of this Board election.
Please take a moment to appreciate the Affiliate Representatives and Analysis Committee members for taking part in this process and helping to grow the Board of Trustees in capacity and diversity. These hours of volunteer work connect us across understanding and perspective. Thank you for your participation.
Thank you to the community members who put themselves forward as candidates for the Board of Trustees. Considering joining the Board of Trustees is no small decision. The time and dedication candidates have shown to this point speaks to their commitment to this movement. Congratulations to those candidates who have been selected. A great amount of appreciation and gratitude for those candidates not selected. Please continue to share your leadership with Wikimedia.
Thank you to those who followed the Affiliate process for this Board election. You may review the results of the Affiliate selection process.
The next part of the Board election process is the community voting period. You may view the Board election timeline here. To prepare for the community voting period, there are several things community members can engage with in the following ways:
- Read candidates’ statements and read the candidates’ answers to the questions posed by the Affiliate Representatives.
- Propose and select the 6 questions for candidates to answer during their video Q&A.
- See the Analysis Committee’s ratings of candidates on each candidate’s statement.
- Propose statements for the Election Compass voters can use to find which candidates best fit their principles.
- Encourage others in your community to take part in the election.
Movement Strategy and Governance
This message was sent on behalf of the Board Selection Task Force and the Elections Committee
Vote for Election Compass Statements
Hi all,
Volunteers in the 2022 Board of Trustees election are invited to vote for statements to use in the Election Compass. You can vote for the statements you would like to see included in the Election Compass on Meta-wiki.
An Election Compass is a tool to help voters select the candidates that best align with their beliefs and views. The community members will propose statements for the candidates to answer using a Lickert scale (agree/neutral/disagree). The candidates’ answers to the statements will be loaded into the Election Compass tool. Voters will use the tool by entering in their answer to the statements (agree/disagree/neutral). The results will show the candidates that best align with the voter’s beliefs and views.
Here is the timeline for the Election Compass:
July 8 - 20: Volunteers propose statements for the Election CompassJuly 21 - 22: Elections Committee reviews statements for clarity and removes off-topic statements- July 23 - August 1: Volunteers vote on the statements
- August 2 - 4: Elections Committee selects the top 15 statements
- August 5 - 12: candidates align themselves with the statements
- August 15: The Election Compass opens for voters to use to help guide their voting decision
The Elections Committee will select the top 15 statements at the beginning of August
Movement Strategy and Governance
This message was sent on behalf of the Board Selection Task Force and the Elections Committee
The 2022 Board of Trustees election Community Voting period is now open
[muokkaa]Hi everyone,
The Community Voting period for the 2022 Board of Trustees election is now open. Here are some helpful links to get you the information you need to vote:
- Try the Election Compass, showing how candidates stand on 15 different topics.
- Read the candidate statements and answers to Affiliate questions
- Learn more about the skills the Board seeks and how the Analysis Committee found candidates align with those skills
If you are ready to vote, you may go to SecurePoll voting page to vote now. You may vote from August 23 at 00:00 UTC to September 6 at 23:59 UTC. To see about your voter eligibility, please visit the voter eligibility page.
Movement Strategy and Governance
This message was sent on behalf of the Board Selection Task Force and the Elections Committee
Invitation to join the Movement Strategy Forum
[muokkaa]Hello everyone,
The Movement Strategy Forum (MS Forum) is a multilingual collaborative space for all conversations about Movement Strategy implementation.
We are inviting all Movement participants to collaborate on the MS Forum. The goal of the forum is to build community collaboration, using an inclusive multilingual platform.
The Movement Strategy is a collaborative effort to imagine and build the future of the Wikimedia Movement. Anyone can contribute to the Movement Strategy, from a comment to a full-time project.
- Join this forum with your Wikimedia account, engage in conversations, and ask questions in your language.
The Movement Strategy and Governance team (MSG) launched the proposal for the MS Forum in May 2022. There was a 2-month community review period, which ended on 24 July 2022. The community review process included several questions that resulted in interesting conversations. You can read the Community Review Report.
We look forward to seeing you at the MS Forum!
Best regards,
the Movement Strategy and Governance Team
User:MNadzikiewicz (WMF) 29. elokuuta 2022 kello 14.32 (EEST)
The Vector 2022 skin as the default in two weeks?
Hello. I'm writing on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. In two weeks, we would like to make the Vector 2022 skin the default on this wiki.
We have been working on it for the past three years. So far, it has been the default on more than 30 wikis, including sister projects, all accounting for more than 1 billion pageviews per month. On average 87% of active logged-in users of those wikis use Vector 2022.
It would become the default for all logged-out users, and also all logged-in users who currently use Vector legacy. Logged-in users can at any time switch to any other skins. No changes are expected for users of these skins.
- Top of an article
- Vector legacy (current default)
- Vector 2022
- A section of an article
- Vector legacy (current default)
- Vector 2022
About the skin
[muokkaa][Why is a change necessary] The current default skin meets the needs of the readers and editors as these were 13 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using Wikimedia projects. The old Vector doesn't meet their needs.
[Objective] The objective for the new skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. It draws inspiration from previous requests, the Community Wishlist Surveys, and gadgets and scripts. The work helped our code follow the standards and improve all other skins. We reduced PHP code in Wikimedia deployed skins by 75%. The project has also focused on making it easier to support gadgets and use APIs.
[Changes and test results] The skin introduces a series of changes that improve readability and usability. The new skin does not remove any functionality currently available on the Vector skin.
- The sticky header makes it easier to find tools that editors use often. It decreases scrolling to the top of the page by 16%.
- The new table of contents makes it easier to navigate to different sections. Readers and editors jumped to different sections of the page 50% more than with the old table of contents. It also looks a bit different on talk pages.
- The new search bar is easier to find and makes it easier to find the correct search result from the list. This increased the amount of searches started by 30% on the wikis we tested on.
- The skin does not negatively affect pageviews, edit rates, or account creation. There is evidence of increases in pageviews and account creation across partner communities.
[Try it out] Try out the new skin by going to the appearance tab in your preferences and selecting Vector 2022 from the list of skins.
How can editors change and customize this skin?
[muokkaa]It's possible to configure and personalize our changes. We support volunteers who create new gadgets and user scripts. Check out our repository for a list of currently available customizations, or add your own.
Our plan
[muokkaa]If no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying in the week of October 3, 2022. If your community would like to request more time to discuss the changes, hit the button and write to us. We can adjust the calendar.
If you'd like ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please ping me here or write on the talk page of the project. We will gladly answer! Also, see our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 22. syyskuuta 2022 kello 07.15 (EEST)
Invitation to attend “Ask Me Anything about Movement Charter” Sessions
Hello all,
During the 2022 Wikimedia Summit, the Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) presented the first outline of the Movement Charter, giving a glimpse on the direction of its future work, and the Charter itself. The MCDC then integrated the initial feedback collected during the Summit. Before proceeding with writing the Charter for the whole Movement, the MCDC wants to interact with community members and gather feedback on the drafts of the three sections: Preamble, Values & Principles, and Roles & Responsibilities (intentions statement). The Movement Charter drafts will be available on the Meta page here on November 14, 2022. Community wide consultation period on MC will take place from November 20 to December 18, 2022. Learn more about it here.
With the goal of ensuring that people are well informed to fully participate in the conversations and are empowered to contribute their perspective on the Movement Charter, three “Ask Me Anything about Movement Charter" sessions have been scheduled in different time zones. Everyone in the Wikimedia Movement is invited to attend these conversations. The aim is to learn about Movement Charter - its goal, purpose, why it matters, and how it impacts your community. MCDC members will attend these sessions to answer your questions and hear community feedback.
The “Ask Me Anything” sessions accommodate communities from different time zones. Only the presentation of the session is recorded and shared afterwards, no recording of conversations. Below is the list of planned events:
Asia/Pacific: November 4, 2022 at 09:00 UTC (your local time). Interpretation is available in Chinese and Japanese.- Europe/MENA/Sub Saharan Africa: November 12, 2022 at 15:00 UTC (your local time). Interpretation is available in Arabic, French and Russian.
- North and South America/ Western Europe: November 12, 2022 at 15:00 UTC (your local time). Interpretation is available in Spanish and Portuguese.
On the Meta page you will find more details; Zoom links will be shared 48 hours ahead of the call.
Call for Movement Charter Ambassadors
Individuals or groups from all communities who wish to help include and start conversations in their communities on the Movement Charter are encouraged to become Movement Charter Ambassadors (MC Ambassadors). MC Ambassadors will carry out their own activities and get financial support for enabling conversations in their own languages. Regional facilitators from the Movement Strategy and Governance team are available to support applicants with MC Ambassadors grantmaking. If you are interested please sign up here. Should you have specific questions, please reach out to the MSG team via email: or on the MS forum.
We thank you for your time and participation.
On behalf of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee,
Apply for Funding through the Movement Strategy Community Engagement Package to Support Your Community
[muokkaa]The Wikimedia Movement Strategy implementation is a collaborative effort for all Wikimedians. Movement Strategy Implementation Grants support projects that take the current state of a Movement Strategy Initiative and push it one step forward. If you are looking for an example or some guide on how to engage your community further on Movement Strategy and the Movement Strategy Implementation Grants specifically, you may find this community engagement package helpful.
The goal of this community engagement package is to support more people to access the funding they might need for the implementation work. By becoming a recipient of this grant, you will be able to support other community members to develop further grant applications that fit with your local contexts to benefit your own communities. With this package, the hope is to break down language barriers and to ensure community members have needed information on Movement Strategy to connect with each other. Movement Strategy is a two-way exchange, we can always learn more from the experiences and knowledge of Wikimedians everywhere. We can train and support our peers by using this package, so more people can make use of this great funding opportunity.
If this information interests you or if you have any further thoughts or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us as your regional facilitators to discuss further. We will be more than happy to support you. When you are ready, follow the steps on this page to apply. We look forward to receiving your application.
Best regards,
Movement Strategy and Governance Team
Wikimedia Foundation
Opportunities open for the Ombuds commission and the Case Review Committee
[muokkaa]Hi everyone! The Ombuds commission (OC) and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for members. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to do so. There is more information below about the opportunity and the skills that are needed.
About the Ombuds commission
The Ombuds commission (OC) works on all Wikimedia projects to investigate complaints about violations of the privacy policy, especially in use of CheckUser and Oversight (also known as Suppression) tools. The Commission mediates between the parties of the investigation and, when violations of the policies are identified, advises the Wikimedia Foundation on best handling. They may also assist the General Counsel, the Chief Executive Officer, or the Board of Trustees of the Foundation in these investigations when legally necessary. For more on the OC's duties and roles, see Ombuds commission on Meta-Wiki.
Volunteers serving in this role should be experienced Wikimedians, active on any project, who have previously used the CheckUser/Oversight tools OR who have the technical ability to understand these tools and the willingness to learn them. They must be able to communicate in English, the common language of the commission. They are expected to be able to engage neutrally in investigating these concerns and to know when to recuse when other roles and relationships may cause conflict. Commissioners will serve two-year terms (note that this is different from past years, when the terms have been for one year).
About the Case Review Committee
The Case Review Committee (CRC) reviews appeals of eligible Trust & Safety office actions. The CRC is a critical layer of oversight to ensure that Wikimedia Foundation office actions are fair and unbiased. They also make sure the Wikimedia Foundation doesn’t overstep established practices or boundaries. For more about the role, see Case Review Committee on Meta-Wiki.
We are looking for current or former functionaries and experienced volunteers with an interest in joining this group. Applicants must be fluent in English (additional languages are a strong plus) and willing to abide by the terms of the Committee charter. If the work resonates and you qualify, please apply. Committee members will serve two-year terms (note that this is different from past years, when the terms have been for one year).
Applying to join either of these groups
Members are required to sign the Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information and must be willing to comply with the appropriate Wikimedia Foundation board policies (such as the access to non-public information policy and the Foundation privacy policy). These positions requires a high degree of discretion and trust. Members must also be over 18 years of age.
If you are interested in serving in either capacity listed above, please write in English to the Trust and Safety team at (to apply to the OC) or to the Legal Team at legal (to apply to the CRC) with information about:
- Your primary projects
- Languages you speak/write
- Any experience you have serving on committees, whether movement or non-movement
- Your thoughts on what you could bring to the OC or CRC if appointed
- Any experience you have with the Checkuser or Oversight tools (OC only)
- Any other information you think is relevant
The deadline for applications is 31 December 2022 in any timezone.
Please feel free to pass this invitation along to any users who you think may be qualified and interested. Thank you!
On behalf of the Committee Support team,
Community Wishlist Survey 2023 opens in January
[muokkaa]Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
(There is a translatable version of this message on MetaWiki)
The Community Wishlist Survey (CWS) 2023, which lets contributors propose and vote for tools and improvements, starts next month on Monday, 23 January 2023, at 18:00 UTC and will continue annually.
We are inviting you to share your ideas for technical improvements to our tools and platforms. Long experience in editing or technical skills is not required. If you have ever used our software and thought of an idea to improve it, this is the place to come share those ideas!
The dates for the phases of the Survey will be as follows:
- Phase 1: Submit, discuss, and revise proposals – Monday, Jan 23, 2023 to Sunday, Feb 6, 2023
- Phase 2: WMF/Community Tech reviews and organizes proposals – Monday, Jan 30, 2023 to Friday, Feb 10, 2023
- Phase 3: Vote on proposals – Friday, Feb 10, 2023 to Friday, Feb 24, 2023
- Phase 4: Results posted – Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023
If you want to start writing out your ideas ahead of the Survey, you can start thinking about your proposals and draft them in the CWS sandbox.
We are grateful to all who participated last year. See you in January 2023!
Kiitos! Community Tech, STei (WMF) 15. joulukuuta 2022 kello 18.44 (EET)
Global ban for PlanespotterA320/RespectCE
[muokkaa]Per the Global bans policy, I'm informing the project of this request for comment: m:Requests for comment/Global ban for PlanespotterA320 (2) about banning a member from your community. Thank you.--Lemonaka (talk) 21:40, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
Editing news 2023 #1
[muokkaa]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
This newsletter includes two key updates about the Editing team's work:
- The Editing team will finish adding new features to the Talk pages project and deploy it.
- They are beginning a new project, Edit check.
Talk pages project

The Editing team is nearly finished with this first phase of the Talk pages project. Nearly all new features are available now in the Beta Feature for Keskustelutyökalut.
It will show information about how active a discussion is, such as the date of the most recent comment. There will soon be a new "Lisää aihe" button. You will be able to turn them off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion. Please tell them what you think.

An A/B test for Keskustelutyökalut on the mobile site has finished. Editors were more successful with Keskustelutyökalut. The Editing team is enabling these features for all editors on the mobile site.
New Project: Edit Check
The Editing team is beginning a project to help new editors of Wikipedia. It will help people identify some problems before they click "Julkaise muutokset". The first tool will encourage people to add references when they add new content. Please watch that page for more information. You can join a conference call on 3 March 2023 to learn more.
–Whatamidoing (WMF) (keskustelu) 23. helmikuuta 2023 kello 01.24 (EET)
Your wiki will be in read only soon
[muokkaa]Lue tämä toisella kielellä • Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Wikimedia-säätiö testaa ensimmäisen ja toissijaisen datakeskuksen vaihtoa. Tarkoituksena on taata Wikipedian ja muiden Wikimedia-wikien toiminta jopa mahdollisen suuronnettomuuden jälkeen. Wikimedian tekniikkaosasto varmistaa järjestelmän toiminnan ennakkoon suunnitellulla testillä, jonka tarkoituksena on osoittaa luotettava siirtymä datakeskuksesta toiseen. Toimenpide vaatii monien tiimien ennakkovalmisteluja ja testinaikaista läsnäoloa, jotta kaikki odottamattomat ongelmat saadaan korjattua.
Kaikki tietoliikenne siirretään 1 maaliskuun. Testi alkaa kello 14:00 UTC.
Valitettavasti joidenkin MediaWikin rajoitusten vuoksi kaikki muokkaukset pysähtyvät vaihdon ajaksi. Pahoittelemme häiriötä, joiden vaikutuksia pyrimme jatkossa vähentämään.
Siirron aikana on lyhyt aika, jolloin voit lukea kaikkia wikejä, mutta muokkaaminen ei ole mahdollista.
- Et voi muokata korkeintaan tunnin ajan keskiviikko 1 maaliskuun 2023.
- Jos yrität muokata tai tallentaa näinä aikoina, saat virheilmoituksen. Toivomme, ettei muokkauksia katoa näiden minuuttien aikana, mutta emme voi taata sitä. Jos näet virheilmoituksen, odota tilanteen palautumista normaaliksi. Sen jälkeen sinun pitäisi pystyä tallentamaan muokkauksesi. Suosittelemme varmuuden vuoksi ensin tekemään kopion muokkauksistasi.
Muut vaikutukset:
- Taustatyöt voivat kestää kauemmin ja osa saattaa jäädä tekemättä. Punaiset linkit eivät välttämättä päivity yhtä nopeasti kuin normaalisti. Punaisen linkin muuttuminen siniseksi artikkelin luomisen jälkeen saattaa kestää kauemmin kuin yleensä. Joidenkin pitkien ohjelmasarjojen suorittaminen joudutaan keskeyttämään.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
- GitLab on poissa käytöstä noin 90 minuuttia.
Trizek (WMF) (Keskustelu) 27. helmikuuta 2023 kello 23.21 (EET)
Wikimania 2023 Welcoming Program Submissions
Kartographer: New “nearby articles” feature to replace the existing one
[muokkaa]Apologies for writing in English. It would be appreciated if you could help translate this message.
Hello! Greetings from the Technical Wishes team at Wikimedia Deutschland. A new feature for showing nearby articles on maps is now available and has been deployed to most wikis. Through a survey about Kartographer, interviews, and feedback on discussion pages, community members worldwide wished for such a feature, and Wikivoyage editors specifically asked for an easier way to determine which articles are shown as nearby on the maps.
There is already the feature “Explore nearby destinations” on your wiki that can show nearby articles, and 8 other Wikivoyages have been using it too. In this feature, nearby articles are defined with a list that has to be manually updated, while the new feature automatically generates the nearby articles displayed on the map. We have summarized the differences between the two features here, but all in all, their functionality is quite similar.
Since October 2022, six wikis including English and German Wikivoyage have been using the new feature. We plan to deploy it to all wikis in April and to then replace the existing feature. If you have any feedback on these plans, please let us know on this talk page. Read more about this project here. – For the Technical Wishes project, Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (keskustelu) 17. huhtikuuta 2023 kello 16.26 (EEST)
Update: New feature for showing nearby articles coming on May 24
[muokkaa]Again, apologies for writing in English.
Hello, here is an update to my message from April:
On May 24, the new feature “show nearby articles” will be turned on for your wiki. The current Wikivoyage feature “Explore nearby destinations”, which is only used on some wikis, will be turned off at the same time. A few weeks later, we will remove the code of the old feature. We are kindly asking you to share this information on your wiki. Any comments are welcome on this talk page. – Best, Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (keskustelu) 17. toukokuuta 2023 kello 15.53 (EEST)
Seeking volunteers for the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct process
As follow-up to the message about the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines by Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Shani Evenstein Sigalov, I am reaching out about the next steps. I want to bring your attention to the next stage of the Universal Code of Conduct process, which is forming a building committee for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). I invite community members with experience and deep interest in community health and governance to nominate themselves to be part of the U4C building committee, which needs people who are:
- Community members in good standing
- Knowledgeable about movement community processes, such as, but not limited to, policy drafting, participatory decision making, and application of existing rules and policies on Wikimedia projects
- Aware and appreciative of the diversity of the movement, such as, but not limited to, languages spoken, identity, geography, and project type
- Committed to participate for the entire U4C Building Committee period from mid-May - December 2023
- Comfortable with engaging in difficult, but productive conversations
- Confidently able to communicate in English
The Building Committee shall consist of volunteer community members, affiliate board or staff, and Wikimedia Foundation staff.
The Universal Code of Conduct has been a process strengthened by the skills and knowledge of the community and I look forward to what the U4C Building Committee creates. If you are interested in joining the Building Committee, please either sign up on the Meta-Wiki page, or contact by May 12, 2023. Read more on Meta-Wiki.
Best regards,
Selection of the U4C Building Committee
[muokkaa]The next stage in the Universal Code of Conduct process is establishing a Building Committee to create the charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). The Building Committee has been selected. Read about the members and the work ahead on Meta-wiki.
-- UCoC Project Team, 27. toukokuuta 2023 kello 07.21 (EEST)
Announcing the new Elections Committee members
Hello there,
We are glad to announce the new members and advisors of the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee assists with the design and implementation of the process to select Community- and Affiliate-Selected trustees for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. After an open nomination process, the strongest candidates spoke with the Board and four candidates were asked to join the Elections Committee. Four other candidates were asked to participate as advisors.
Thank you to all the community members who submitted their names for consideration. We look forward to working with the Elections Committee in the near future.
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees,
Review the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
Hello all,
I am pleased to share the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct work. The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) draft charter is now ready for your review.
The Enforcement Guidelines require a Building Committee form to draft a charter that outlines procedures and details for a global committee to be called the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). Over the past few months, the U4C Building Committee worked together as a group to discuss and draft the U4C charter. The U4C Building Committee welcomes feedback about the draft charter now through 22 September 2023. After that date, the U4C Building Committee will revise the charter as needed and a community vote will open shortly afterward.
Join the conversation during the conversation hours or on Meta-wiki.
RamzyM (WMF), on behalf of the U4C Building Committee, 28. elokuuta 2023 kello 18.35 (EEST)
== Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee ==
You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
Lisää kieliä • Auta kääntämisessä kielellesiHi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.
On behalf of the Committee Support team,
Review and comment on the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package
[muokkaa]Dear all,
Please review and comment on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package from now until 29 October 2023. The selection rules package was based on older versions by the Elections Committee and will be used in the 2024 Board of Trustees selection. Providing your comments now will help them provide a smoother, better Board selection process. More on the Meta-wiki page.
Katie Chan
Chair of the Elections Committee
17. lokakuuta 2023 kello 04.13 (EEST)
The Vector 2022 skin as the default in three weeks?
[muokkaa]Read this in your language • Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi • Please tell other users about these changes
Hello. I'm writing on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. In two weeks, we would like to make the Vector 2022 skin the default on this wiki.

If you prefer keeping the current skin select "Vector legacy (2010)" on the appearance tab of the global preferences and save the change. We encourage you to give the new skin a try, though.
Since I last came to you with this question, many things have changed. The skin is now the default on most Wikipedias, and all logos are done! We have also made some tweaks in the skin itself. Below is the text I've sent to you once, but I'm sending it again, just slightly edited, for those who haven't seen it.
If you know what this is about, jump straight to the section "Our plan":
It would become the default for all logged-out users, and also all logged-in users who currently use Vector legacy as a local (but not global) preference. Logged-in users can at any time switch to any other skin. No changes are expected for these skins.
- Top of an article
- Vector legacy (current default)
- Vector 2022
- A section of an article
- Vector legacy (current default)
- Vector 2022
About the skin
[Why is a change necessary] When the current default skin was created, it reflected the needs of the readers and editors as these were 14 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using the Internet and Wikimedia projects in different ways. The old Vector does not meet their needs.
[Objective] The objective for the Vector 2022 skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. It introduces a series of changes that aim to improve problems new and existing readers and editors were having with the old skin. It draws inspiration from previous user requests, the Community Wishlist Surveys, and gadgets and scripts. The work helped our code follow the standards and improve all other skins. The PHP code in the other available skins has been reduced by 75%. The project has also focused on making it easier to support gadgets and use APIs.

[Changes in a nutshell] The skin introduces changes that improve readability and usability. The new skin does not remove any functionality currently available on the Vector skin.
- The limited width and pin-able menus allow to adjust the interface to the screen size, and focus on editing or reading. Logged-in and logged-out users may use a toggle button to keep the full width, though.
- The sticky header makes it easier to find tools that editors use often. It decreases scrolling to the top of the page by 16%.
- The new table of contents makes it easier to navigate to different sections. Readers and editors jump to different sections of the page 50% more than with the old table of contents. It also looks a bit different on talk pages.
- The new search bar is easier to find and makes it easier to find the correct search result from the list. This increased the amount of searches started by 30% on the tested wikis.
- The skin does not negatively affect pageviews, edit rates, or account creation. There is evidence of increases in pageviews and account creation across partner communities.
[Customize this skin] It's possible to configure and personalize our changes. We support volunteers who create new gadgets and user scripts. Check out the repository for a list of currently available customizations and changes, or add your own.
Our plan
[muokkaa]If no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying on 14 November. If you'd like to ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please comment in any language. If this is the first comment to my message, make sure to ping me. We will gladly answer! Also, check out our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (keskustelu) 26. lokakuuta 2023 kello 04.09 (EEST)
Interface admin edit request
[muokkaa]My team at Wikimedia Deutschland left an edit request at MediaWiki:Kartographer.js that probably got lost because not many people are actively watching such technical pages. While this is in no way urgent it would enable us to clean up the Kartographer codebase. Thanks in advance. --Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE) (keskustelu) 26. lokakuuta 2023 kello 15.35 (EEST)
Vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Hello all,
I am reaching out to you today to announce that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter is now open. Community members may cast their vote and provide comments about the charter via SecurePoll now through 2 February 2024. Those of you who voiced your opinions during the development of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines will find this process familiar.
The current version of the U4C Charter is on Meta-wiki with translations available.
Read the charter, go vote and share this note with others in your community. I can confidently say the U4C Building Committee looks forward to your participation.
On behalf of the UCoC Project team,
Last days to vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Hello all,
I am reaching out to you today to remind you that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) charter will close on 2 February 2024. Community members may cast their vote and provide comments about the charter via SecurePoll. Those of you who voiced your opinions during the development of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines will find this process familiar.
The current version of the U4C charter is on Meta-wiki with translations available.
Read the charter, go vote and share this note with others in your community. I can confidently say the U4C Building Committee looks forward to your participation.
On behalf of the UCoC Project team,
Announcing the results of the UCoC Coordinating Committee Charter ratification vote
- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Dear all,
Thank you everyone for following the progress of the Universal Code of Conduct. I am writing to you today to announce the outcome of the ratification vote on the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee Charter. 1746 contributors voted in this ratification vote with 1249 voters supporting the Charter and 420 voters not. The ratification vote process allowed for voters to provide comments about the Charter.
A report of voting statistics and a summary of voter comments will be published on Meta-wiki in the coming weeks.
Please look forward to hearing about the next steps soon.
On behalf of the UCoC Project team,
Report of the U4C Charter ratification and U4C Call for Candidates now available
- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Auta kääntämisessä kielellesi
Hello all,
I am writing to you today with two important pieces of information. First, the report of the comments from the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter ratification is now available. Secondly, the call for candidates for the U4C is open now through April 1, 2024.
The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members are invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.
Per the charter, there are 16 seats on the U4C: eight community-at-large seats and eight regional seats to ensure the U4C represents the diversity of the movement.
Read more and submit your application on Meta-wiki.
On behalf of the UCoC project team,
Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees 2024 Selection
Dear all,
This year, the term of 4 (four) Community- and Affiliate-selected Trustees on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees will come to an end [1]. The Board invites the whole movement to participate in this year’s selection process and vote to fill those seats.
The Elections Committee will oversee this process with support from Foundation staff [2]. The Board Governance Committee created a Board Selection Working Group from Trustees who cannot be candidates in the 2024 community- and affiliate-selected trustee selection process composed of Dariusz Jemielniak, Nataliia Tymkiv, Esra'a Al Shafei, Kathy Collins, and Shani Evenstein Sigalov [3]. The group is tasked with providing Board oversight for the 2024 trustee selection process, and for keeping the Board informed. More details on the roles of the Elections Committee, Board, and staff are here [4].
Here are the key planned dates:
- May 2024: Call for candidates and call for questions
- June 2024: Affiliates vote to shortlist 12 candidates (no shortlisting if 15 or less candidates apply) [5]
- June-August 2024: Campaign period
- End of August / beginning of September 2024: Two-week community voting period
- October–November 2024: Background check of selected candidates
- Board's Meeting in December 2024: New trustees seated
Learn more about the 2024 selection process - including the detailed timeline, the candidacy process, the campaign rules, and the voter eligibility criteria - on this Meta-wiki page, and make your plan.
Election Volunteers
Another way to be involved with the 2024 selection process is to be an Election Volunteer. Election Volunteers are a bridge between the Elections Committee and their respective community. They help ensure their community is represented and mobilize them to vote. Learn more about the program and how to join on this Meta-wiki page.
Best regards,
Dariusz Jemielniak (Governance Committee Chair, Board Selection Working Group)
[5] Even though the ideal number is 12 candidates for 4 open seats, the shortlisting process will be triggered if there are more than 15 candidates because the 1-3 candidates that are removed might feel ostracized and it would be a lot of work for affiliates to carry out the shortlisting process to only eliminate 1-3 candidates from the candidate list.